Kamis, 17 April 2014

UKRAINA-PALESTINA-SURIAH...DAN ARAB SAUDI ....ADALAH NEGARA2 DALAM PUSARAN GENGGAMAN PERMAINAN INTELIGEN INTERNASIONAL...?? ...MENGAPA...??>>> ......The relationship between Riyadh and Washington has been tied to four essential pillars in recent decades: Saudi hegemony over the oil market, the kingdom’s spiritual status in the Islamic world, Persian Gulf security and the war on terrorism after 9/11. However, doubts about the future of these four pillars have emerged.....>>> ...Moreover, the United States has become less dependent on oil. Prominent economist at NGB Energy Investment Management and oil expert Ouns al-Hajji said to Al-Riyadh that US oil imports have dropped to 50% within the past seven years. He noted that the country’s oil imports in 2006 amounted to 12.4 million barrels a day, and have currently reached 6 million barrels. According to Hajji, US oil production had reached 11 million barrels a day by the end of the first quarter of 2014....>>> ....Saudi Arabia’s control of the oil market depends on its possession of spare capacity, estimated at 2.5 million barrels a day. It is currently not certain that Saudi Arabia will maintain this production capacity. In a report issued by Citigroup in 2012, it was expected that local Saudi oil consumption will weaken this capacity gradually, and the kingdom will have to import fuel by 2030. The Saudis disagree with this assessment. Prince Turki al-Faisal stated during a forum at Harvard University on April 25, 2013, that the kingdom will increase its production capacity to reach 15 million barrels a day to overcome the problem of increasing local consumption, so that it does not affect the spare capacity...>>> ...Kantor berita Rusia melaporkan, Minggu (13/4) bahwa direktur CIA, John Brennan, mengadakan pertemuan rahasia dengan para pejabat Ukraina di Kiev sebelum memulai operasi melawan pasukan separatis yang telah mengambil alih beberapa bangunan di timur negara itu. Brennan mendarat di Ukraina pada Sabtu (12/4) dengan nama samaran dan menggear "serangkaian pertemuan rahasia" dengan "blok kekuatan" negara itu, lapor Interfax yang mengutip seorang anggota parlemen Ukraina yang tak disebutkan namanya. Pejabat tak dikenal itu mengatakan, ada "laporan yang belum dikonfirmasi" bahwa pejabat keamanan AS itu berada di balik keputusan untuk menggunakan kekuatan di timur Ukraina setelah pasukan separatis pro-Rusia menguasai kota Slovyansk....>>> ...Israel mengadakan pembicaraan rahasia dengan beberapa negara-negara Arab untuk mencari cara bagaimana membangun hubungan diplomatik, kata Menteri Luar Negeri Israel Avigdor Lieberman. Di antara negara-negara tersebut adalah Arab Saudi dan Kuwait, kata Lieberman kepada surat kabar Yedioth Ahronoth, Selasa, 15/04/2014. Menurut beberapa media, laporan mengenai kontak rahasia secara terbuka tersebut adalah pertama kalinya yang diungkap secara resmi oleh seorang pejabat senior Israel. Arab Saudi membantah telah mengadakan pembicaraan dengan Israel, sementara Kuwait belum memberikan komentar atas pernyataan Liberman tersebut. "Ada kontak, ada pembicaraan, bahkan kami sangat dekat pada tingkat di mana dalam satu tahun atau 18 bulan kedepan tidak akan lagi menjadi rahasia, itu akan dilakukan secara terbuka," tambah Lieberman...>>> ...Kerajaan despotik Wahabi, Arab Saudi terus mengencangkan karet gelang tekanan kepada pemerintah Suriah dan mengecam keras agenda pemilu Suriah yang akan digelar pada Juni mendatang. Melalui menteri luar negeri, kerajaan pemilik utama kelompok-kelompok Takfiri internasional itu mengatakan, pemilu tersebut adalah upaya untuk melemahkan usaha "damai" penyelesaian perang di negara itu. "Pengumuman pemerintah Suriah untuk mengadakan pemilihan (presiden) adalah meningkatkan dan melemahkan usaha Arab dan internasional untuk menyelesaikan krisis secara damai berdasarkan (hasil) konferensi Jenewa I," kata Menteri Luar Negeri Saudi Pangeran Saud al-Faisal, Selasa, 15/04/14....>>> ..... Amerika Serikat mendukung penuh operasi militer pemerintah Ukraina untuk memberangus pengunjuk rasa anti-Kiev di timur negara itu, dan menggambarkan sebagai hal yang penuh pertimbangan. Dukungan AS kepada Ukraina itu diutarakan pada Selasa, 15/04/14, setelah sebelumnya presiden sementara Olexander Turchynov mengumumkan akan mengerahkan militer dalam operasi "anti-teroris" terhadap para demonstran pro-Moskow setelah mereka merebut gedung-gedung di sekitar 10 kota di seluruh provinsi timur negara itu. "Tujuan dari operasi ini adalah melindungi warga negara Ukraina, menghentikan teror, menghentikan kejahatan, menghentikan upaya untuk merobek dan memisahkan negara kita," kata Turchynov....>>> ...Menurut laporan koran berbahasa Arab al-Watan Suriah, pada Selasa (15/04/14), melaporkan bahwa ketua parlemen, Mohamed Jihad Lahham akan mengumumkan tanggal pasti pemilu yang diharapkan akan digelar sekitar bulan Juni, demikian menukil laporan AFP. Jangka waktu tujuh tahun Presiden Bashar Assad akan berakhir pada 17 Juli mendatang. Referendum yang digelar pada 26 Februari 2012 lalumenyetujui adanya konstitusi baru untuk menyelenggarakan pemilu Presiden. Konstitusi itu juga membolehkan pluralisme politik sekaligus membatasi masa jabatan seorang presiden maksimal dua periode berturut-turut. Satu periode berlangsung selama tujuh tahun. Namun, masih "belum jelas" bagaimana mekanisme Damaskus akan melakukan pemungutan suara ditengah perang dan serbuah elemen-elemen Takfiri di berbagai wilayah..>>

Politisi Iran: 

Baha'i Bekerja untuk CIA dan Mossad  


Politisi Iran: Baha'i Bekerja untuk CIA dan Mossad  

TEMPO.CO , Jakarta: Ahmad Salek, Ketua Komisi Budaya parlemen Iran menuduh komunitas Baha'i di Iran menjadi mata-mata untuk Israel dan Amerika Serikat. "Saya menyatakan sangat eksplisit bahwa Baha'isme adalah organisasi mata-mata yang mengumpulkan informasi intelijen untuk CIA (Amerika Serikat) dan Mossad (Israel), dan ada dokumen yang berlimpah untuk membuktikan ini," kata Salek, seperti dikutip kantor berita Fars, Iran.

Media Israel, Jerussalam Post edisi 19 Februari 2014 melaporkan, komunitas Baha'i mengerima perlakuan keras dari pemerintahan Iran. Oktober 2013 lalu, Dr Ahmed Shaheed, pelapor khusus PBB tentang hak asasi manusia di Iran, mengeluarkan laporan yang juga mencakup bagian tentang penyiksaan terhadap komunitas ini.

Dia menulis , "Pelapor khusus PBB terus mengamati apa yang tampaknya menjadi pola meningkatnya pelanggaran HAM sistematis dengan menargetkan anggota komunitas Baha'i, yang menghadapi penahanan sewenang-wenang, penyiksaan dan perlakuan buruk, didakwa dengan pasal keamanan nasional karena keterlibatan aktifnya dalam urusan keagamaan, pembatasan praktik keagamaan, penolakan untuk mendapatkan pendidikan tinggi, dihambat untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan di lembaga negara dan pelanggaran lainnya di sekolah-sekolah."

Agustus 2013 lalu, Pemimpin Tertinggi Iran Ayatullah Ali Khamenei mengeluarkan fatwa berisi menyerukan kepada semua warga Iran untuk mengucilkan Baha'i. Setelah Khamenei mengeluarkan fatwa itu, Ataollah Rezvani, pemimpin Baha'i, dibunuh. Namun tidak jelas siapa yang membunuh Rezvani.

Awal bulan ini, World New Service Baha'i melaporkan kasus penyerangan terhadap keluarga Baha'i di Birjand, di Iran timur. Menurut laporan itu, tiga korban -suami, istri dan anak- selamat dalam serangan itu. "Penyerang -yang bertopeng- masuk rumah Ghodratollah Moodi dan istrinya, Touba Sabzehjou," tulis kantor berita itu.

Diane Ala'i, perwakilan Komunitas International Baha'i untuk PBB di Jenewa, mengatakan, "Tidak ada keraguan bahwa kejahatan ini dimotivasi oleh masalah agama. Moodi itu dikenal sebagai pemimpin dalam komunitas Baha'i di Birjand." Ia berharap pihak berwenang di Iran segera menyelidiki kejahatan ini dan membawa pelakunya ke pengadilan.

Diane mengatakan, telah terjadi lebih dari 50 serangan fisik kepada komunitas Baha'i Iran sejak tahun 2005 dan tidak ada penyerangnya yang dituntut atau diadili.


Krisis Ukraina
AS Dukung Ukraina Gelar Operasi Militer Terhadap Demonstran
Islam Times-http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcgxw9w3ak9uw4.1ira.html
 "Tujuan dari operasi ini adalah melindungi warga negara Ukraina, menghentikan teror, menghentikan kejahatan, menghentikan upaya untuk merobek dan memisahkan negara kita," kata Turchynov.
Tentara Ukraina (RT)
Tentara Ukraina (RT)

Amerika Serikat mendukung penuh operasi militer pemerintah Ukraina untuk memberangus pengunjuk rasa anti-Kiev di timur negara itu, dan menggambarkan sebagai hal yang penuh pertimbangan.

Dukungan AS kepada Ukraina itu diutarakan pada Selasa, 15/04/14, setelah sebelumnya presiden sementara Olexander Turchynov mengumumkan akan mengerahkan militer dalam operasi "anti-teroris" terhadap para demonstran pro-Moskow setelah mereka merebut gedung-gedung di sekitar 10 kota di seluruh provinsi timur negara itu.

"Tujuan dari operasi ini adalah melindungi warga negara Ukraina, menghentikan teror, menghentikan kejahatan, menghentikan upaya untuk merobek dan memisahkan negara kita," kata Turchynov.

Sebagai tanggapannya, juru bicara Gedung Putih Jay Carney mengatakan, aksi militer bukanlah pilihan yang lebih disukai, tetapi Kiev harus menanggapi situasi yang tidak bisa dipertahankan lagi."

Carney juga mendesak pihak berwenang Kiev untuk mengambil tindakan dengan kehati-hatian, dan mengatakan, pemerintah memiliki "tanggung jawab" untuk menjaga hukum dan ketertiban di negara ini. [IT/Onh/Ass]

Hegemoni Global
Duma: "Dinas Intelijen Ukraina, Unit CIA!"
Islam Times- http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcdzs0s5yt05f6.lp2y.html
Pejabat tak dikenal itu mengatakan, ada "laporan yang belum dikonfirmasi" bahwa pejabat keamanan AS itu berada di balik keputusan untuk menggunakan kekuatan di timur Ukraina setelah pasukan separatis pro-Rusia menguasai kota Slovyansk.
CIA Director John Brennan (Reuters / Gary Cameron)
CIA Director John Brennan (Reuters / Gary Cameron)

Kantor berita Rusia melaporkan, Minggu (13/4) bahwa direktur CIA, John Brennan, mengadakan pertemuan rahasia dengan para pejabat Ukraina di Kiev sebelum memulai operasi melawan pasukan separatis yang telah mengambil alih beberapa bangunan di timur negara itu.

Brennan mendarat di Ukraina pada Sabtu (12/4) dengan nama samaran dan menggear "serangkaian pertemuan rahasia" dengan "blok kekuatan" negara itu, lapor Interfax yang mengutip seorang anggota parlemen Ukraina yang tak disebutkan namanya. Pejabat tak dikenal itu mengatakan, ada "laporan yang belum dikonfirmasi" bahwa pejabat keamanan AS itu berada di balik keputusan untuk menggunakan kekuatan di timur Ukraina setelah pasukan separatis pro-Rusia menguasai kota Slovyansk.

Wakil Partai Komunis di parlemen Ukraina, Vladimir Golub, mengatakan pada RIA Novosti bahwa para anggota parlemen sedang membicarakan soal kunjungan secara terbuka seraya berpendapat bahwa Dinas Keamanan Ukraina telah menjadi salah satu unit [dinas intelijen AS] CIA.

Mengomentari laporan tersebut, wakil ketua Komite Pertahanan Duma, Frants Klintsevich, mengatakan bahwa dirinya akan memandang kunjungan tersebut sebagai tantangan bagi Rusia. Media pro-Kremlin telah membicarakan dugaan keterlibatan CIA di Ukraina sejak protes pro-Barat yang menggulingkan Presiden Viktor Yanukovych dimulai November 2013.

Krisis politik di negara itu, menyusul terbangnya Yanukovych dari Kiev pada bulan Februari, memicu peningkatan ketegangan antara Rusia dan Amerika Serikat, termasuk sanksi perdagangan kedua negara terhadap pejabat pemerintah masing-masing menyusul--apa yang diklaim AS cs sebagai--aneksasi Rusia atas semenanjung Crimea.

Pada hari Sabtu (12/4), Menlu AS John Kerry memperingatkan "konsekuensi tambahan" terhadap Rusia jika tidak mengambil langkah-langkah menurunkan ketegangan di timur Ukraina, di mana sentimen separatis serupa yang terlihat di Crimea, menyebabkan pengambilalihan gedung-gedung pemerintah di beberapa kota oleh pasukan milisi bersenjata pro-Rusia.
Saudi dan Israel
Liberman: Israel akan Membangun 
Hubungan Diplomatik dengan Saudi
Islam Times-http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcj8tetvuqeavz.bnfu.html
 "Ada kontak, ada pembicaraan, bahkan kami sangat dekat pada tingkat di mana dalam satu tahun atau 18 bulan kedepan tidak akan lagi menjadi rahasia, itu akan dilakukan secara terbuka," tambah Lieberman.

Israel mengadakan pembicaraan rahasia dengan beberapa negara-negara Arab untuk mencari cara bagaimana membangun hubungan diplomatik, kata Menteri Luar Negeri Israel Avigdor Lieberman.

Di antara negara-negara tersebut adalah Arab Saudi dan Kuwait, kata Lieberman kepada surat kabar Yedioth Ahronoth, Selasa, 15/04/2014.

Menurut beberapa media, laporan mengenai kontak rahasia secara terbuka tersebut adalah pertama kalinya yang diungkap secara resmi oleh seorang pejabat senior Israel.

Arab Saudi membantah telah mengadakan pembicaraan dengan Israel, sementara Kuwait belum memberikan komentar atas pernyataan Liberman tersebut.

"Ada kontak, ada pembicaraan, bahkan kami sangat dekat pada tingkat di mana dalam satu tahun atau 18 bulan kedepan tidak akan lagi menjadi rahasia, itu akan dilakukan secara terbuka," tambah Lieberman.

Lieberman lebih lanjut mengatakan, dia berhubungan dengan Arab yang menurutnya "moderat", -Istilah yang sering digunakan Israel untuk negara-negara Arab dan di tempat Timur Tengah yang sejalan dengan kepentingan AS-,.

Lieberman juga mengatakan tidak akan ada masalah jika dirinya mengunjungi Arab Saudi atau Kuwait.

"Saya menghabiskan beberapa tahun pertemuan dan berbicara dengan mereka," katanya.

Sementara itu, juru bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri Arab Saudi mengatakan, "Tidak ada hubungan atau pembicaraan dengan Israel di tingkat manapun."

Surat kabar Yedioth Ahronoth dalam laporan itu menyebut bahwa Lieberman mengatakan telah menggelar beberapa perjanjian perdamaian baru Israel-Arab yang akan ditandatangani pada tahun 2019.

"Saya yakin, dengan ini kita akan memiliki situasi di mana kita segera memiliki hubungan diplomatik penuh dengan sebagian besar negara-negara Arab moderat. Dan Anda dapat mempercayai kata-kata saya ini," katanya.

Namun, para analis mengejek gagasan bahwa hubungan antara Israel dan dunia Arab bisa dinormalisasi, sementara konflik Israel-Palestina tetap tidak terselesaikan

Spionase Global AS
Ini Dia Modus Intelijen NSA
Islam Times- http://www.islamtimes.org/vdca66ne049n0o1.h8k4.html
"Keamanan" pun menjadi barang langka, bukan hanya di AS, tapi bahkan di seantero jagat. Namun, menurut catatan BusinessWeek, melacak semua cara aneh yang dilakukan NSA dalam memata-matai warga dan pemerintah sangat sulit.

Dengan semua kehebohan tentang pesawat terbang yang hilang, jenis perang dingin baru, dan kecurangan pasar, sangat mudah untuk melupakan bahwa Amerika Serikat kini resmi menjadi negara totaliter jenis Orwellian, di mana penduduk--tanpa sadar--telah menyerahkan semua privasinya untuk ditukar dengan... sesuatu. Operator pertukaran itu tak lain dari dinas rahasia AS, National Security Agency (NSA),

"Keamanan" pun menjadi barang langka, bukan hanya di AS, tapi bahkan di seantero jagat. Namun, menurut catatan BusinessWeek, melacak semua cara aneh yang dilakukan NSA dalam memata-matai warga dan pemerintah sangat sulit.

Untungnya, berkat ketekunan sebagian jurnalis dan sejumlah narasumber anonim, beberapa informasi penting menyangkut kerja rahasia NSA yang cukup rumit dapat diungkap ke publik. Berikut uraiannya, semoga dapat membantu.

Data Bergerak

Mata-mata NSA membagi target menjadi dua kategori besar: data bergerak dan data tidur. Informasi yang bergerak ke dan dari ponsel, komputer, pusat data, dan satelit seringkali lebih mudah untuk diambil, dan dinas rahasia itu mengisap sejumlah besar data semacam itu di seluruh dunia. Namun data umum seperti e-mail sering dilindungi dengan enkripsi saat meninggalkan perangkat, sehingga sulit--meski tidak mustahil--dibongkar.

Data Tidur

Mengambil informasi dari hard drive, pusat data di luar negeri, atau ponsel lebih sulit, tapi hal ini acapkali lebih berharga karena data yang tersimpan kemungkinan kurang dienkripsi, dan para mata-mata dapat langsung memperoleh apa yang mereka inginkan. Pengacara NSA dapat memaksa perusahaan-perusahaan AS untuk menyerahkan sebagian data semacam ini; para hacker dinas rahasia ini juga menarget jeroan komputer pemerintah asing yang paling diinginkan dan dijaga ketat.

Kemana Data itu?

Sebagian besar data NSA yang dikumpulkan dan dikompilasi dari semua upaya itu akan disimpan dalam pusat data seluas ratusan hektar di dekat Bluffdale, Utah. Pusat data itu sanggup menyimpan sekitar 12 eksabita data. Satu eksabita setara satu miliar gigabita.

Berikut adalah beberapa metode khusus NSA yang digunakan untuk memata-matai warga AS dan sesekali "teroris" lepas pantai:

1. Perekam Panggilan Telepon (Call Recorder)
Dinas rahasia ini dapat mencegat dan menyimpan hingga satu bulan, 100 persen panggilan telepon luar negeri, yang dapat diurutkan dan diputar kembali.

2. Telepon Kloning (Clone Phones)
Ponsel asing yang ditarget dapat diam-diam ditukar dengan model yang identik, yang sudah dilengkapi alat untuk menguping dan mengumpulkan data.

3. Toko Palsu
Para diplomat pada KTT G-20 2009 di London ditipu, dengan bantuan NSA, saat menggunakan sebuah kafe internet yang ternyata telah dirancang untuk mengirim data ke dinas intelijen Inggris.

4. Pelacak Perjalanan (Travel Trackers)
NSA memiliki beberapa cara untuk menguntit gerakan target intelijen saat turun dari pesawat, berkendara melintasi perbatasan, atau bergerak di sekitar kota, termasuk implan yang mengarahkan kartu SIM ponsel mengirimkan data geolokasi melalui pesan teks.

5. Pengiriman Khusus (Special Delivery)
Para agen rahasia mencegat komputer yang digunakan target asing untuk berbelanja secara online, menyesuaikan semua itu dengan perangkat yang mengirim data ke NSA, dan kemudian mengembalikannya ke pengiriman normal.

6. Penglihatan Sinar-X (X-Ray Vision)
Gelombang Radar yang dialirkan ke sebuah ruangan mampu mendeteksi apa yang sedang diketik di papan ketik atau ditampilkan di layar komputer.

7. Kartu Kredit
NSA menyadap jaringan Visa dan sistem perbankan besar untuk mengumpulkan transaksi data yang dipandang berharga.

8. Satellites
NSA menyusup dalam satelit komunikasi Jerman yang digunakan di lokasi terpencil seperti platform pengwboran dan oleh para diplomats negara

9. Agen Rahasia Permainan (Gamer Spies)
Para pekerja NSA bergabung dalam komunitas permainan World of Warcraft dan Second Life, untuk berburu jaringan kriminal dan merekrut informan. Mereka juga telah menyusup ke jaringan Xbox Live Microsoft.

10. Menara Selular (Cell Towers)
Stasiun basis meniru menara selular untuk menyedot data lokasi dari ponsel target. Agen juga dapat mencegat panggilan selular dengan alat penerima sebesar ukuran kotak sepatu.

11. Kapal Selam
NSA dapat mengumpulkan lalu lintas Internet di seluruh dunia dengan kapal selam nuklir yang telah dimodifikasi untuk menyadap kabel serat optik bawah laut--yang memungkinkan agen mata-mata untuk menyedot data dari jutaan pengguna.

12. Perangkat Rahasia Foto-Sendiri (Secret Selfies)
Malware yang ditanam dalam iPhone dapat diam-diam mengaktifkan kamera dan mikrofon, mengubahnya menjadi alat pendengar. Malware untuk ponsel Windows memungkinkan perangkat ponsel sepenuhnya dikendalikan dari jarak jauh.

13. Bebatuan Palsu (Fake Rocks)
Pemancar tersembunyi dalam bebatuan dan benda-benda lain yang dapat menerima informasi dari alat sadap NSA yang ditanam dalam komputer terdekat, bahkan jika itu adalah mesin "hampa udara" atau jaringan yang tidak terhubung dengan Internet--termasuk yang paling sulit di antara semua target digital. [IT/Rj]

Berikut infografisnya:
Perang Suriah
Saudi Arabia Kecam Agenda Pemilu Suriah
Islam Times- http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcb5fbf8rhbzfp.qnur.html
Melalui menteri luar negeri, kerajaan pemilik utama kelompok-kelompok Takfiri internasional itu mengatakan, pemilu tersebut adalah upaya untuk melemahkan usaha "damai" penyelesaian perang di negara itu.
Menlu Arab Saudi, Pangeran Saud al-Faisal
Menlu Arab Saudi, Pangeran Saud al-Faisal

Kerajaan despotik Wahabi, Arab Saudi terus mengencangkan karet gelang tekanan kepada pemerintah Suriah dan mengecam keras agenda pemilu Suriah yang akan digelar pada Juni mendatang.

Melalui menteri luar negeri, kerajaan pemilik utama kelompok-kelompok Takfiri internasional itu mengatakan, pemilu tersebut adalah upaya untuk melemahkan usaha "damai" penyelesaian perang di negara itu.

"Pengumuman pemerintah Suriah untuk mengadakan pemilihan (presiden) adalah meningkatkan dan melemahkan usaha Arab dan internasional untuk menyelesaikan krisis secara damai berdasarkan (hasil) konferensi Jenewa I," kata Menteri Luar Negeri Saudi Pangeran Saud al-Faisal, Selasa, 15/04/14.

Pada tahun 2012 konferensi perdamaian Jenewa I digelar dan menyerukan pemerintahan transisi dan pengunduran diri Bashar Assad untuk pemilihan umum yang bebas dan adil, klaim butir pernyataan Jenewa I.

Sementara negara-negara Barat dan Arab membiarkan kelompok-kelompok pemberontak dan Takfiri terus melakukan pembantaian terhadap warga dan tentara Suriah, dan pada saat yang sama juga memaksa pengunduran diri Presiden Suriah Bashar al-Assad. Hal yang menyebabkan gagalnya solusi untuk mengakhiri perang yang sudah berlangsung hampir empat tahun.

Bahkan Saudi Arabia bersama Qatar, Turki dan AS terang-terangan mengirim elemen-elemen Takfiri ke Suriah dan mendanai mereka untuk menghancurkan kahidupan jutaan rakyat Suriah.

Sebelumnya dilaporkan, parlemen Suriah akan mengumumkan tanggal pasti pemilihan presiden negara itu yang akan digelar pada tahun ini.

Menurut laporan koran berbahasa Arab al-Watan Suriah, pada Selasa (15/04/14), ketua parlemen, Mohamed Jihad Lahham akan mengumumkan tanggal pasti pemilu yang diharapkan akan digelar sekitar bulan Juni mendatang.

Pemilu Suriah

Suriah akan 
Gelar Pemilu Presiden Bulan Juni
Islam Times- 
Menurut laporan koran berbahasa Arab al-Watan Suriah, pada Selasa, 15/04/14, melaporkan bahwa ketua parlemen, Mohamed Jihad Lahham akan mengumumkan tanggal pasti pemilu yang diharapkan akan digelar sekitar bulan Juni, demikian menukil laporan AFP.
Parlemen Suriah
Parlemen Suriah

Parlemen Suriah akan mengumumkan tanggal pasti pemilihan presiden negara itu yang akan digelar pada tahun ini, menurut laporan media setempat.

Menurut laporan koran berbahasa Arab al-Watan Suriah, pada Selasa (15/04/14), melaporkan bahwa ketua parlemen, Mohamed Jihad Lahham akan mengumumkan tanggal pasti pemilu yang diharapkan akan digelar sekitar bulan Juni, demikian menukil laporan AFP.

Jangka waktu tujuh tahun Presiden Bashar Assad akan berakhir pada 17 Juli mendatang.

Referendum yang digelar pada 26 Februari 2012 lalumenyetujui adanya konstitusi baru untuk menyelenggarakan pemilu Presiden.

Konstitusi itu juga membolehkan pluralisme politik sekaligus membatasi masa jabatan seorang presiden maksimal dua periode berturut-turut. Satu periode berlangsung selama tujuh tahun.

Namun, masih "belum jelas" bagaimana mekanisme Damaskus akan melakukan pemungutan suara ditengah perang dan serbuah elemen-elemen Takfiri di berbagai wilayah.

Menurut beberapa laporan, saat ini masih ada beberapa daerah di luar kendali pemerintah dan dikuasai Takfiri al-Qaeda, selain itu jutaan warga mengungsi dari halaman rumah mereka
. [IT/Onh/Ass]


Hamas’ growing rivalry with Islamic Jihad

A militant belonging to the Islamic Jihad Movement takes part in a rally to commemorate Prisoners' Day and to demand the release of Palestinian prisoners, in the al-Nuseirat refugee camp, in central Gaza Strip on April 15, 2014. (Photo: AFP-Mahmoud Hams)

Published Wednesday, April 16, 2014
The role of Islamic Jihad is expanding on the Palestinian scene. Their Iranian and Syrian allies have increased their support after Hamas left its headquarters in Damascus. Islamic Jihad left their Damascus headquarters as well but they did not go to Qatar. Hamas sees in Islamic Jihad today more of a strong competitor than a partner, even though both organizations share the same political philosophy of armed resistance.

Gaza: Days ago, the leadership of Hamas and Islamic Jihad put an end to a new dispute that broke out between their supporters when the Ministry of Religious Endowments and Affairs of the Gaza government dismissed the imam of the Ibrahim al-Khalil Mosque, Murid al-Qanouh. The imam claimed that he was fired for political reasons, while ministry said that he was dismissed because he had stopped doing his job for the last two months.

The dispute evolved into a fist fight between worshipers. Weapons were even used in some mosques in northern Gaza. The political leadership on both sides intervened quickly to end the clashes, which they described as personal. This latest dispute was not the first of its kind, but it sheds light on the fact that Hamas and Islamic Jihad are now moving in opposite directions.
In mid March, the secretary general of Islamic Jihad, Ramadan Abdullah Shallah, appeared on Al-Mayadeen TV praising Hamas in order to stop their enemies from exploiting any possible disputes between both parties. He announced that Operation Breaking the Silence, conducted that month by Islamic Jihad’s armed wing, al-Quds Brigades, was in coordination with Hamas. 

He also said that he met the leader of Hamas’ political bureau, Khaled Meshaal, in Qatar. Later it became evident that Shallah was leading a new mediation effort to coordinate a visit by Meshaal to Tehran. Two days after that first interview, Shallah appeared again to confirm what he said but this time on the Qatari channel Al-Jazeera.

But the reality on the ground is a far cry from what both groups have been saying in the media. Disagreements between their members are escalating but leaders on both sides rush to contain the situation even when there are casualties.

Clashes erupted between the members of the two organizations two weeks ago inside a mosque in the city of Khan Younis. A member of Islamic Jihad who witnessed the incident but wanted to remain anonymous tells Al-Akhbar: “Three leaders known in the area came to the mosque, attacked us, and then kicked us out.”

As to why he refused to give his name, he said: “Our leadership in Islamic Jihad refuses to clash with Hamas even if we are the ones wronged. If we speak to the media about these incidents they will take punitive measures against us. This is the fifth incident in less than a month.”

A major dispute erupted in the city of Rafah last month between members of the two groups. For the first time ever, the incident was recorded as “an attack by a number of Shia converts on a Salafi sheikh.” Islamic Jihad, religious associations, families and tribes convened a reconciliation session. The leaders of Islamic Jihad stressed that “their movement is a Sunni movement despite the special relationship they have with Iran.”

The last major crisis between the two groups was last June when a member of the police force, which is affiliated with Hamas, killed an Islamic Jihad leader called Raad Jundiyah. Jundiyah, according to an Islamic Jihad statement, was responsible for firing rockets against Israel and escaped several assassination attempts. Hamas refused to take responsibility for the incident saying that Jundiyah killed himself by mistake when he was asked to turn himself over to the police. 

In response, Islamic Jihad cut off its relationship with Hamas. That night nine Grad rockets were fired at Israeli settlements near Gaza. Israel responded by bombing training sites in Gaza and threatened to break the truce. The prime minister of the Gaza government and Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, established an investigative committee. The results led to acknowledging the responsibility of the police for the incident without specifying the identity of the shooter. The issue was solved once again through a reconciliation meeting and the relationship was restored between the two organizations. 

Cairo and Islamic Jihad
Politically, what bothers Hamas the most, as it was expressed by its official spokesperson Fawzi Barhoum, is the contacts between Egypt and Islamic Jihad. Cairo tried to solidify the truce between the Resistance and Israel after Operation Breaking the Silence based on the understanding reached in 2012. Islamic Jihad accepted the mediation and launched only about 150 5-8 range rockets.

Islamic Jihad does not believe that its contacts with Cairo mean sidestepping Hamas. Islamic Jihad’s representative in Lebanon, Abu Imad al-Rifai, explained how treating Hamas as part of the Muslim Brotherhood network made the Egyptian authorities avoid communication with them. He added: “We understand that Hamas is annoyed by the Egyptian decision to sidestep it, but coordination between us was not affected.” As proof, he cited “the official and strong participation by the Islamic Jihad leadership in a Hamas festival that was held in Gaza after establishing contacts with Egypt.”

Mohammed al-Hindi, an Islamic Jihad leader in Gaza, said in a simultaneous statement that his organization does not mind “partnering in the management of Palestinian affairs after agreeing on a national leadership.” This statement is different from what the Islamic Jihad always proclaims. They believe that there is no way to engage in a political experiment before liberation and refuse to participate in what they call “products of the Oslo Agreement.”

Nevertheless, the organization participated in the municipal elections in 2005 but it did not win the leadership in any of the municipalities. Today, Islamic Jihad believes that its popularity has improved dramatically “because it avoided getting bogged down in internal divisions and because it has no Palestinian blood on its hands,” as Abu Hamza puts it.

Security concerns
Abu Hamza (a pseudonym) from al-Quds Brigades talked openly fights with Hamas that have not been reported in the media. Even though the Egyptian army destroyed most of the smuggling tunnels, he says, some of them are still open so we can still smuggle fuel and arms for the Resistance but “Hamas limits our ability to bring in supplies.”
Some days “they don’t allow certain kinds of weapons in unless Hamas gets the same kind or at least inspects the smuggled weapons.” He tells Al-Akhbar: “We carried out some operations at the border without announcing them. The government’s internal security agency tried to look for the perpetrators to find out who they are. They see themselves responsible for the country’s security, but that harms the secrecy of the work we do and exposes us to the Israeli occupation.”

Between 2008 and 2012, Hamas remained committed to the truce despite Israeli violations. Israel continued to target Islamic Jihad through assassinations. Islamic Jihad led four major confrontations single handedly and tried to expand the range of its targets in the last confrontation with the occupation, forcing the residents of southern occupied Palestine to stay in shelters for two days. Hezbollah’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah pointed this out in one of his speeches.

Also, in the 2012 war, the strikes by al-Quds Brigades matched those of Hamas’ armed wing - al-Qassam Brigades. They both bombed Tel Aviv. Shallah actually announced that they preceded Hamas in the decision-making and implementation process.

Al-Quds Brigades’ latest military parades on the streets of the Gaza Strip revealed new kinds of weapons like anti-aircraft missiles and snipers. Pictures by news agencies showed a lot of similarity between the two organizations in the weapons that were on display. Al-Quds Brigades had agreed to participate in a military parade headed by al-Qassam Brigades, but withdrew the last minute when Hamas’ fighters carried the Rabia al-Adawiya signs associated with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

US, Saudi Arabia divorcing despite Obama visit

US President Barack Obama (L) meets with Saudi King Abdullah (R) at Rawdat Khurayim, the monarch
US President Barack Obama (L) meets with Saudi King Abdullah (R) at Rawdat Khurayim, the monarch's desert camp 60 miles (35 miles) northeast of Riyadh, on March 28, 2014.
Nothing new came from US President Barack Obama’s visit to Riyadh on March 28, except a few additional photographs of the leaders of both countries and a modest dispelling of some contentious issues. Other matters were left to be treated at another juncture, as former Saudi diplomat Abdullah al-Shammari told Al-Monitor.
On the day Obama arrived in Saudi Arabia, Al-Riyadh newspaper published an editorial by Yousef Alkowaileet titled “Divorce or New Relations with America?” The article discussed the reasons behind the tensions that existed between the two countries, including Washington’s negotiations with Tehran. Alkowaileet alluded to the latter by criticizing Obama’s good-faith gestures toward Iran, reminding him that the Saudis know their region’s history very well.
“Before Obama’s arrival, Riyadh sent indirect messages stating that it will warmly welcome the US president, but Saudi Arabia doesn’t want to hear mere sugar-coated words and empty promises that will not turn into real policies,” Shammari said.
Despite Obama’s visit, the United States and Saudi Arabia still cannot see eye to eye on a number of regional issues, in particular Syria, Iraq and Iran.
During his visit, Obama told the Saudis that he would not agree to a bad deal with Iran. But what concerns the Saudis most is that Washington’s assessment of what is or is not bad may not conform to their own assessment.
The relationship between Riyadh and Washington has been tied to four essential pillars in recent decades: Saudi hegemony over the oil market, the kingdom’s spiritual status in the Islamic world, Persian Gulf security and the war on terrorism after 9/11. However, doubts about the future of these four pillars have emerged.
Saudi Arabia’s control of the oil market depends on its possession of spare capacity, estimated at 2.5 million barrels a day. It is currently not certain that Saudi Arabia will maintain this production capacity. In a report issued by Citigroup in 2012, it was expected that local Saudi oil consumption will weaken this capacity gradually, and the kingdom will have to import fuel by 2030. The Saudis disagree with this assessment. Prince Turki al-Faisal stated during a forum at Harvard University on April 25, 2013, that the kingdom will increase its production capacity to reach 15 million barrels a day to overcome the problem of increasing local consumption, so that it does not affect the spare capacity.
Moreover, the United States has become less dependent on oil. Prominent economist at NGB Energy Investment Management and oil expert Ouns al-Hajji said to Al-Riyadh that US oil imports have dropped to 50% within the past seven years. He noted that the country’s oil imports in 2006 amounted to 12.4 million barrels a day, and have currently reached 6 million barrels.
According to Hajji, US oil production had reached 11 million barrels a day by the end of the first quarter of 2014.
Saudi Arabia’s spare production capacity in the oil market is dwindling, while the United States is enjoying more oil independence and is thus less dependent on its strategic relationship with Saudi Arabia. The changing energy landscape has significant ramifications for US-Saudi relations. Riyadh will no longer be able to use oil as a political weapon, as it did in the 1970s, and will struggle to influence Washington to acquiesce to its regional outlook.
The Two Holy Mosques in Saudi Arabia give it its spiritual power in the Islamic world, but this element is changing for several reasons. First, the new communication revolution has disintegrated power and contributed to establishing several spiritual centers within the Islamic world. A small country like Qatar has managed to have significant spiritual and intellectual influence through Al Jazeera and religious figures such as Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
The same applies to the United Arab Emirates and Turkey, and perhaps Egypt at a later stage, where competitive centers of spiritual influence are emerging. Second, the kingdom has been involved in regional conflicts against other Islamic forces, whether against Iran or the Muslim Brotherhood. As a result, Saudi Arabia’s influence over Muslims is waning, as indicated by a 2013 Pew Center survey that showed its popularity dwindling in the Middle East.
The United States relied on the spiritual role that Saudi Arabia represents to influence Muslim attitudes. Saudi Arabia played a pivotal role in confronting communism and countering terrorism, but the multitude of centers of influence in the Islamic world and Saudi’s declining position have undermined this factor in maintaining the strategic relationship between the two states.
But tense relations between Riyadh and Washington, or the divergence of viewpoints between them, will not keep Saudi Arabia from using its spiritual position to fight terrorism, as this is in Saudi Arabia’s interests regardless of US considerations.
Meanwhile, the war on terrorism, which was considered one of the main commonalities between the two countries in the past decade, has turned into a point of debate between Riyadh and Washington regarding Syria and Egypt. Saudi Arabia supports extremist factions in Syria, while Washington considers them to be close to al-Qaeda. Saudi Arabia considers the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt a terrorist organization, while Washington sees it as a political power having the right to participate in the democratic process.
Saudi Arabia is also uncertain of Washington’s commitment to Persian Gulf security. Washington’s perception of security in the Persian Gulf is different than Saudi Arabia’s. This difference appears in Bahrain, as the kingdom opposes any concessions presented by the Bahraini government to the opposition, while Washington is exerting pressure to push the Bahraini government to make concessions and implement serious political reforms.
These changes in the four pillars, which constituted the cornerstone of the strategic relationship between Riyadh and Washington, have pushed Saudi Arabia to consider new options. Two weeks before Obama’s visit, Crown Prince Salman visited China for three days. Prominent Saudi Arabian journalist Abdul Rahman al-Rashed, who is close to the decision-makers in Saudi Arabia, commented on the visit in an Al-Arabiya article titled “China and the Future Alliance with Saudi Arabia.” He called on a new way of thinking to achieve security for the region, given the possible decline of the US role. While Saudi Arabia would be better served to maintain its ties with the United States, the timing of the visit holds a Saudi message for Washington that Riyadh has other options to fulfill its interests.
Source: Al-Monitor
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1585743#sthash.zgl9p6VS.dpuf

US, Saudi Arabia divorcing despite Obama visit


US President Barack Obama (L) meets with Saudi King Abdullah (R) at Rawdat Khurayim, the monarch 

US President Barack Obama (L) meets with Saudi King Abdullah (R) at Rawdat Khurayim, the monarch's desert camp 60 miles (35 miles) northeast of Riyadh, on March 28, 2014. - See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1585743#sthash.0Qivj7ES.dpuf

US President Barack Obama (L) meets with Saudi King Abdullah (R) at Rawdat Khurayim, 
the monarch's desert camp 60 miles (35 miles) northeast of Riyadh, on March 28, 2014.
 - See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1585743#sthash.0Qivj7ES.dpuf

Nothing new came from US President Barack Obama’s visit to Riyadh on March 28, except a few additional photographs of the leaders of both countries and a modest dispelling of some contentious issues. Other matters were left to be treated at another juncture, as former Saudi diplomat Abdullah al-Shammari told Al-Monitor. 

On the day Obama arrived in Saudi Arabia, Al-Riyadh newspaper published an editorial by Yousef Alkowaileet titled “Divorce or New Relations with America?” The article discussed the reasons behind the tensions that existed between the two countries, including Washington’s negotiations with Tehran. Alkowaileet alluded to the latter by criticizing Obama’s good-faith gestures toward Iran, reminding him that the Saudis know their region’s history very well.

“Before Obama’s arrival, Riyadh sent indirect messages stating that it will warmly welcome the US president, but Saudi Arabia doesn’t want to hear mere sugar-coated words and empty promises that will not turn into real policies,” Shammari said.

Despite Obama’s visit, the United States and Saudi Arabia still cannot see eye to eye on a number of regional issues, in particular Syria, Iraq and Iran.

During his visit, Obama told the Saudis that he would not agree to a bad deal with Iran. But what concerns the Saudis most is that Washington’s assessment of what is or is not bad may not conform to their own assessment.

The relationship between Riyadh and Washington has been tied to four essential pillars in recent decades: Saudi hegemony over the oil market, the kingdom’s spiritual status in the Islamic world, Persian Gulf security and the war on terrorism after 9/11. However, doubts about the future of these four pillars have emerged.

Saudi Arabia’s control of the oil market depends on its possession of spare capacity, estimated at 2.5 million barrels a day. It is currently not certain that Saudi Arabia will maintain this production capacity. In a report issued by Citigroup in 2012, it was expected that local Saudi oil consumption will weaken this capacity gradually, and the kingdom will have to import fuel by 2030. The Saudis disagree with this assessment. Prince Turki al-Faisal stated during a forum at Harvard University on April 25, 2013, that the kingdom will increase its production capacity to reach 15 million barrels a day to overcome the problem of increasing local consumption, so that it does not affect the spare capacity.

Moreover, the United States has become less dependent on oil. Prominent economist at NGB Energy Investment Management and oil expert Ouns al-Hajji said to Al-Riyadh that US oil imports have dropped to 50% within the past seven years. He noted that the country’s oil imports in 2006 amounted to 12.4 million barrels a day, and have currently reached 6 million barrels.

According to Hajji, US oil production had reached 11 million barrels a day by the end of the first quarter of 2014.

Saudi Arabia’s spare production capacity in the oil market is dwindling, while the United States is enjoying more oil independence and is thus less dependent on its strategic relationship with Saudi Arabia. The changing energy landscape has significant ramifications for US-Saudi relations. Riyadh will no longer be able to use oil as a political weapon, as it did in the 1970s, and will struggle to influence Washington to acquiesce to its regional outlook.

The Two Holy Mosques in Saudi Arabia give it its spiritual power in the Islamic world, but this element is changing for several reasons. First, the new communication revolution has disintegrated power and contributed to establishing several spiritual centers within the Islamic world. A small country like Qatar has managed to have significant spiritual and intellectual influence through Al Jazeera and religious figures such as Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

The same applies to the United Arab Emirates and Turkey, and perhaps Egypt at a later stage, where competitive centers of spiritual influence are emerging. Second, the kingdom has been involved in regional conflicts against other Islamic forces, whether against Iran or the Muslim Brotherhood. As a result, Saudi Arabia’s influence over Muslims is waning, as indicated by a 2013 Pew Center survey that showed its popularity dwindling in the Middle East.

The United States relied on the spiritual role that Saudi Arabia represents to influence Muslim attitudes. Saudi Arabia played a pivotal role in confronting communism and countering terrorism, but the multitude of centers of influence in the Islamic world and Saudi’s declining position have undermined this factor in maintaining the strategic relationship between the two states.
But tense relations between Riyadh and Washington, or the divergence of viewpoints between them, will not keep Saudi Arabia from using its spiritual position to fight terrorism, as this is in Saudi Arabia’s interests regardless of US considerations.

Meanwhile, the war on terrorism, which was considered one of the main commonalities between the two countries in the past decade, has turned into a point of debate between Riyadh and Washington regarding Syria and Egypt. Saudi Arabia supports extremist factions in Syria, while Washington considers them to be close to al-Qaeda. Saudi Arabia considers the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt a terrorist organization, while Washington sees it as a political power having the right to participate in the democratic process.

Saudi Arabia is also uncertain of Washington’s commitment to Persian Gulf security. Washington’s perception of security in the Persian Gulf is different than Saudi Arabia’s. This difference appears in Bahrain, as the kingdom opposes any concessions presented by the Bahraini government to the opposition, while Washington is exerting pressure to push the Bahraini government to make concessions and implement serious political reforms.

These changes in the four pillars, which constituted the cornerstone of the strategic relationship between Riyadh and Washington, have pushed Saudi Arabia to consider new options. Two weeks before Obama’s visit, Crown Prince Salman visited China for three days. Prominent Saudi Arabian journalist Abdul Rahman al-Rashed, who is close to the decision-makers in Saudi Arabia, commented on the visit in an Al-Arabiya article titled “China and the Future Alliance with Saudi Arabia.” He called on a new way of thinking to achieve security for the region, given the possible decline of the US role. While Saudi Arabia would be better served to maintain its ties with the United States, the timing of the visit holds a Saudi message for Washington that Riyadh has other options to fulfill its interests.
Source: Al-Monitor
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1585743#sthash.zgl9p6VS.dpuf

US, Saudi Arabia divorcing despite Obama visit

US President Barack Obama (L) meets with Saudi King Abdullah (R) at Rawdat Khurayim, the monarch
US President Barack Obama (L) meets with Saudi King Abdullah (R) at Rawdat Khurayim, the monarch's desert camp 60 miles (35 miles) northeast of Riyadh, on March 28, 2014.
Nothing new came from US President Barack Obama’s visit to Riyadh on March 28, except a few additional photographs of the leaders of both countries and a modest dispelling of some contentious issues. Other matters were left to be treated at another juncture, as former Saudi diplomat Abdullah al-Shammari told Al-Monitor.
On the day Obama arrived in Saudi Arabia, Al-Riyadh newspaper published an editorial by Yousef Alkowaileet titled “Divorce or New Relations with America?” The article discussed the reasons behind the tensions that existed between the two countries, including Washington’s negotiations with Tehran. Alkowaileet alluded to the latter by criticizing Obama’s good-faith gestures toward Iran, reminding him that the Saudis know their region’s history very well.
“Before Obama’s arrival, Riyadh sent indirect messages stating that it will warmly welcome the US president, but Saudi Arabia doesn’t want to hear mere sugar-coated words and empty promises that will not turn into real policies,” Shammari said.
Despite Obama’s visit, the United States and Saudi Arabia still cannot see eye to eye on a number of regional issues, in particular Syria, Iraq and Iran.
During his visit, Obama told the Saudis that he would not agree to a bad deal with Iran. But what concerns the Saudis most is that Washington’s assessment of what is or is not bad may not conform to their own assessment.
The relationship between Riyadh and Washington has been tied to four essential pillars in recent decades: Saudi hegemony over the oil market, the kingdom’s spiritual status in the Islamic world, Persian Gulf security and the war on terrorism after 9/11. However, doubts about the future of these four pillars have emerged.
Saudi Arabia’s control of the oil market depends on its possession of spare capacity, estimated at 2.5 million barrels a day. It is currently not certain that Saudi Arabia will maintain this production capacity. In a report issued by Citigroup in 2012, it was expected that local Saudi oil consumption will weaken this capacity gradually, and the kingdom will have to import fuel by 2030. The Saudis disagree with this assessment. Prince Turki al-Faisal stated during a forum at Harvard University on April 25, 2013, that the kingdom will increase its production capacity to reach 15 million barrels a day to overcome the problem of increasing local consumption, so that it does not affect the spare capacity.
Moreover, the United States has become less dependent on oil. Prominent economist at NGB Energy Investment Management and oil expert Ouns al-Hajji said to Al-Riyadh that US oil imports have dropped to 50% within the past seven years. He noted that the country’s oil imports in 2006 amounted to 12.4 million barrels a day, and have currently reached 6 million barrels.
According to Hajji, US oil production had reached 11 million barrels a day by the end of the first quarter of 2014.
Saudi Arabia’s spare production capacity in the oil market is dwindling, while the United States is enjoying more oil independence and is thus less dependent on its strategic relationship with Saudi Arabia. The changing energy landscape has significant ramifications for US-Saudi relations. Riyadh will no longer be able to use oil as a political weapon, as it did in the 1970s, and will struggle to influence Washington to acquiesce to its regional outlook.
The Two Holy Mosques in Saudi Arabia give it its spiritual power in the Islamic world, but this element is changing for several reasons. First, the new communication revolution has disintegrated power and contributed to establishing several spiritual centers within the Islamic world. A small country like Qatar has managed to have significant spiritual and intellectual influence through Al Jazeera and religious figures such as Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
The same applies to the United Arab Emirates and Turkey, and perhaps Egypt at a later stage, where competitive centers of spiritual influence are emerging. Second, the kingdom has been involved in regional conflicts against other Islamic forces, whether against Iran or the Muslim Brotherhood. As a result, Saudi Arabia’s influence over Muslims is waning, as indicated by a 2013 Pew Center survey that showed its popularity dwindling in the Middle East.
The United States relied on the spiritual role that Saudi Arabia represents to influence Muslim attitudes. Saudi Arabia played a pivotal role in confronting communism and countering terrorism, but the multitude of centers of influence in the Islamic world and Saudi’s declining position have undermined this factor in maintaining the strategic relationship between the two states.
But tense relations between Riyadh and Washington, or the divergence of viewpoints between them, will not keep Saudi Arabia from using its spiritual position to fight terrorism, as this is in Saudi Arabia’s interests regardless of US considerations.
Meanwhile, the war on terrorism, which was considered one of the main commonalities between the two countries in the past decade, has turned into a point of debate between Riyadh and Washington regarding Syria and Egypt. Saudi Arabia supports extremist factions in Syria, while Washington considers them to be close to al-Qaeda. Saudi Arabia considers the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt a terrorist organization, while Washington sees it as a political power having the right to participate in the democratic process.
Saudi Arabia is also uncertain of Washington’s commitment to Persian Gulf security. Washington’s perception of security in the Persian Gulf is different than Saudi Arabia’s. This difference appears in Bahrain, as the kingdom opposes any concessions presented by the Bahraini government to the opposition, while Washington is exerting pressure to push the Bahraini government to make concessions and implement serious political reforms.
These changes in the four pillars, which constituted the cornerstone of the strategic relationship between Riyadh and Washington, have pushed Saudi Arabia to consider new options. Two weeks before Obama’s visit, Crown Prince Salman visited China for three days. Prominent Saudi Arabian journalist Abdul Rahman al-Rashed, who is close to the decision-makers in Saudi Arabia, commented on the visit in an Al-Arabiya article titled “China and the Future Alliance with Saudi Arabia.” He called on a new way of thinking to achieve security for the region, given the possible decline of the US role. While Saudi Arabia would be better served to maintain its ties with the United States, the timing of the visit holds a Saudi message for Washington that Riyadh has other options to fulfill its interests.
Source: Al-Monitor
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1585743#sthash.zgl9p6VS.dpuf

US, Saudi Arabia divorcing despite Obama visit

US President Barack Obama (L) meets with Saudi King Abdullah (R) at Rawdat Khurayim, the monarch
US President Barack Obama (L) meets with Saudi King Abdullah (R) at Rawdat Khurayim, the monarch's desert camp 60 miles (35 miles) northeast of Riyadh, on March 28, 2014.
Nothing new came from US President Barack Obama’s visit to Riyadh on March 28, except a few additional photographs of the leaders of both countries and a modest dispelling of some contentious issues. Other matters were left to be treated at another juncture, as former Saudi diplomat Abdullah al-Shammari told Al-Monitor.
On the day Obama arrived in Saudi Arabia, Al-Riyadh newspaper published an editorial by Yousef Alkowaileet titled “Divorce or New Relations with America?” The article discussed the reasons behind the tensions that existed between the two countries, including Washington’s negotiations with Tehran. Alkowaileet alluded to the latter by criticizing Obama’s good-faith gestures toward Iran, reminding him that the Saudis know their region’s history very well.
“Before Obama’s arrival, Riyadh sent indirect messages stating that it will warmly welcome the US president, but Saudi Arabia doesn’t want to hear mere sugar-coated words and empty promises that will not turn into real policies,” Shammari said.
Despite Obama’s visit, the United States and Saudi Arabia still cannot see eye to eye on a number of regional issues, in particular Syria, Iraq and Iran.
During his visit, Obama told the Saudis that he would not agree to a bad deal with Iran. But what concerns the Saudis most is that Washington’s assessment of what is or is not bad may not conform to their own assessment.
The relationship between Riyadh and Washington has been tied to four essential pillars in recent decades: Saudi hegemony over the oil market, the kingdom’s spiritual status in the Islamic world, Persian Gulf security and the war on terrorism after 9/11. However, doubts about the future of these four pillars have emerged.
Saudi Arabia’s control of the oil market depends on its possession of spare capacity, estimated at 2.5 million barrels a day. It is currently not certain that Saudi Arabia will maintain this production capacity. In a report issued by Citigroup in 2012, it was expected that local Saudi oil consumption will weaken this capacity gradually, and the kingdom will have to import fuel by 2030. The Saudis disagree with this assessment. Prince Turki al-Faisal stated during a forum at Harvard University on April 25, 2013, that the kingdom will increase its production capacity to reach 15 million barrels a day to overcome the problem of increasing local consumption, so that it does not affect the spare capacity.
Moreover, the United States has become less dependent on oil. Prominent economist at NGB Energy Investment Management and oil expert Ouns al-Hajji said to Al-Riyadh that US oil imports have dropped to 50% within the past seven years. He noted that the country’s oil imports in 2006 amounted to 12.4 million barrels a day, and have currently reached 6 million barrels.
According to Hajji, US oil production had reached 11 million barrels a day by the end of the first quarter of 2014.
Saudi Arabia’s spare production capacity in the oil market is dwindling, while the United States is enjoying more oil independence and is thus less dependent on its strategic relationship with Saudi Arabia. The changing energy landscape has significant ramifications for US-Saudi relations. Riyadh will no longer be able to use oil as a political weapon, as it did in the 1970s, and will struggle to influence Washington to acquiesce to its regional outlook.
The Two Holy Mosques in Saudi Arabia give it its spiritual power in the Islamic world, but this element is changing for several reasons. First, the new communication revolution has disintegrated power and contributed to establishing several spiritual centers within the Islamic world. A small country like Qatar has managed to have significant spiritual and intellectual influence through Al Jazeera and religious figures such as Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
The same applies to the United Arab Emirates and Turkey, and perhaps Egypt at a later stage, where competitive centers of spiritual influence are emerging. Second, the kingdom has been involved in regional conflicts against other Islamic forces, whether against Iran or the Muslim Brotherhood. As a result, Saudi Arabia’s influence over Muslims is waning, as indicated by a 2013 Pew Center survey that showed its popularity dwindling in the Middle East.
The United States relied on the spiritual role that Saudi Arabia represents to influence Muslim attitudes. Saudi Arabia played a pivotal role in confronting communism and countering terrorism, but the multitude of centers of influence in the Islamic world and Saudi’s declining position have undermined this factor in maintaining the strategic relationship between the two states.
But tense relations between Riyadh and Washington, or the divergence of viewpoints between them, will not keep Saudi Arabia from using its spiritual position to fight terrorism, as this is in Saudi Arabia’s interests regardless of US considerations.
Meanwhile, the war on terrorism, which was considered one of the main commonalities between the two countries in the past decade, has turned into a point of debate between Riyadh and Washington regarding Syria and Egypt. Saudi Arabia supports extremist factions in Syria, while Washington considers them to be close to al-Qaeda. Saudi Arabia considers the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt a terrorist organization, while Washington sees it as a political power having the right to participate in the democratic process.
Saudi Arabia is also uncertain of Washington’s commitment to Persian Gulf security. Washington’s perception of security in the Persian Gulf is different than Saudi Arabia’s. This difference appears in Bahrain, as the kingdom opposes any concessions presented by the Bahraini government to the opposition, while Washington is exerting pressure to push the Bahraini government to make concessions and implement serious political reforms.
These changes in the four pillars, which constituted the cornerstone of the strategic relationship between Riyadh and Washington, have pushed Saudi Arabia to consider new options. Two weeks before Obama’s visit, Crown Prince Salman visited China for three days. Prominent Saudi Arabian journalist Abdul Rahman al-Rashed, who is close to the decision-makers in Saudi Arabia, commented on the visit in an Al-Arabiya article titled “China and the Future Alliance with Saudi Arabia.” He called on a new way of thinking to achieve security for the region, given the possible decline of the US role. While Saudi Arabia would be better served to maintain its ties with the United States, the timing of the visit holds a Saudi message for Washington that Riyadh has other options to fulfill its interests.
Source: Al-Monitor
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1585743#sthash.zgl9p6VS.dpuf

TEMPO.CO, Kiev – Sebelas orang diyakini tewas setelah pasukan udara Ukraina berusaha merebut bandar udara di Kramatorsk, Ukraina, pada Selasa, 15 April 2014. Bandara sebelumnya dikuasai pasukan bersenjata pro-Rusia. Penyerangan ini menjadi tanda operasi antiteror yang digaungkan Ukraina dimulai.

Dikutip dari Daily Mail, media lokal melaporkan antara empat hingga sebelas kematian terjadi dalam serangan ini. Namun, belum ada konfirmasi resmi dari pejabat terkait. Laporan lain juga menyebutkan sebuah pesawat tempur ditembak jatuh di dekat Kota Kramatorsk, Donestsk.

Baku tembak memang terdengar dari bandara ini. Tak lama kemudian pasukan Ukraina mengklaim telah berhasil merebut kembali bandara tersebut dari militan yang mengendalikan kota sejak pekan lalu. (Baca: Separatis Pro-Rusia Tolak Letakkan Senjata)

Kota Kramatorsk merupakan salah satu dari 10 daerah di timur Ukraina yang penuh gejolak lantaran pecahnya bentrok antara kaum separatis dan pasukan Ukraina sejak sebelas hari lalu. (Baca: Milisi Donetsk Rebut Markas Polisi dan Dewan Kota)

Sementara itu, di kota lain, Slaviansk, koresponden Reuters menyatakan tidak ada satu pun pasukan yang setia kepada Kiev. Sebuah pesawat AU Ukraina dilaporkan hanya terbang di atas langit kota tanpa ada kesiapan untuk melakukan penyerangan dan perebutan kembali kota tersebut.

Pemberontak Pro-Rusia Abaikan Ancaman Militer Kiev  

TEMPO.CO, Kiev - Kelompok separatis pro-Rusia mengabaikan ultimatum pasukan keamanan untuk segera meninggalkan gedung pemerintah yang duduki di sebelah timur Ukraina. Sebaliknya, mereka mulai meningkatkan gerakan guna menguasai gedung lebih banyak lagi menyusul kegagalan ancaman Kiev.

Hingga Selasa, 15 April 2014, angkatan bersenjata separatis masih menguasai sejumlah kantor pemerintahan di sedikitnya sembilan kota di timur Ukraina. Mereka pada Senin, 14 April 2014, juga menyerbu dan menguasai kantor polisi di Horlivka, meski mendapat ancaman serangan militer Kiev jika tidak meninggalkan gedung itu sebelum pukul 6 pagi GMT, Senin, 14 April 2014.

Dalam percakapan via telepon, Senin, 14 April 2014, Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama mendesak rekannya Presiden Rusia, Vladimir Putin, menekan kelompok pro-Moskow agar meletakkan senjata dan meninggalkan gedung-gedung yang diduduki.

"Presiden mendesak agar seluruh pasukan non-pemerintah meletakkan senjatanya. Juga mendesak Putin menggunakan pengaruhnya terhadap kelompok bersenjata pro-Rusia untuk meninggalkan gedung yang mereka kuasai," bunyi pernyataan Gedung Putih.

Namun Kremlin menolak terlibat dalam aksi penyerbuan gedung pemerintah Kiev. Kremlin juga membantah bahwa mereka memiliki pengaruh terhadap kelompok tersebut. Dalam keterangan kepada media, Putin mendukung unjuk rasa di Donetsk, Lugansk, Kharkiv, Slavyanks, dan sejumlah kota lain di sebelah timur Ukraina. Unjuk rasa itu sebagai akibat dari ketidakmampuan pemimpin di Kiev memperhitungkan kepentingan warga Rusia dan masyarakat berbahasa Rusia.

Sebelumnya, pada Senin, 14 April 2014, Presiden Ukraina Oleksandr Turchynov memohon kepada Sekretaris Jenderal PBB, Ban Ki-moon, mengirimkan pasukan PBB untuk menstabilkan situasi keamanan di timur Ukraina.

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