Selasa, 01 April 2014

MH370- KONON SUDAH DITEMUKAN DI SAMUDERA HINDIA... DAN SEMUANYA PENUMPANG DAN CREW.. MENINGGAL...???>>>> .... ADALAH SUATU TEKA TEKI.. MENGAPA PESAWAT TERSEBUT MENUJU BELAHAN SELATAN DAN JAUH DARI SASARAN YANG DITUJU... YAKNI BEIJING... YANG BERADA DI BELAHAN UTARA. ...??? >>> MENGAPA SASARAN JAUH DARI AUSTRALIA DAN SEAKAN MENUJU SESUATU YANG TIDAK MASUK AKAL...??>> ADA APA GERANGAN DENGAN ARAH YANG SANGAT ANEH ITU...??>> BENARKAH INI SE-MATA2 HANYA KARENA KEKELIRUAN NAVIGASI.. DAN KETELEDORAN PILOT DAN CO PILOT... YANG KONON SANGAT BERPENGALAMAN... DAN MEMILIKI JAM TERBANG YANG SANGAT TINGGI... ?? >> APAKAH INI UPAYA UNTUK MENGHILANGKAN JEJAK KEJAHATAN YANG SANGAT BESAR.. DENGAN REKAYASA PARA PENGUASA DUNIA DENGAN MEMBUAT TEROR INTERNASIONAL BARU...???>> INGAT DULU ADA HOLOCAUST...?? DAN GEGERLAH DUNIA.. >>.. NAMUN FAKTA2 SEJARAH TIDAK MEMBERIKAN DUKUNGAN YANG BENAR.. SEHINGGA TINGKAT KEBOHONGAN DAN PERMAINAN PARA KONSPIRATOR...JAHAT BERADA DIBELAKANGNYA...???>> JUGA KASUS 911 -WTC.. YANG KONON MERUNTUHKAN GEDUNG KEMBAR DI NEW YORK..??.. PADAHAL KONON ADA GEDUNG LAINNYA YANG JUGA RUNTUH DENGAN CARA SAMA NAMUN TANPA TERSENTUH PESAWAT ATAU BOM...??? JADI TIGA GEDUNG PENCAKAR LANGIT RUNTUH DENGAN SANGAT SPEKTAKULER...??>> LALU INI DINISBATKAN KEPADA.. TERORIS ISLAM.. YANG KONON DIPIMPIN OSAMA BIN LADEN..??>> DAN PADA TAHUN YANG SAMA ... AS DAN NATO SERTA SEKUTUNYA.. BER-DUYUN2 MENYERANG AFGHANISTAN.. DENGAN BOMBARDEMEN...YANG BELUM ADA TARA BANDINGANNYA SETELAH PERANG DUNIA II...??? DAN SETELAH LEBIH DARI 13 TAHUN PERANG.. AS DAN SEKUTUNYA.. TIDAK MENDAPATKAN APAPUN DARI AFGHANISTAN.. KECUALI PEMBUNUHAN RAKYAT SIPIL YANG MEMPERTAHANKAN TANAH AIRNYA DARI SERBUAN ASING.. YAKNI AS-DAN NATO DKK....??>> KEHANCURAN AFGHANISTAN.. SUDAH BUKAN RAHASIA LAGI...???>> BELUM LAGI USAI DI AFGHANISTAN.... LALU... KEMUDIAN 2003 AS DAN SEKUTU MENYERBU IRAQ- UNTUK MENYERBU RAKYAT IRAQ YANG KONON MENGGUNAKAN SENJATA KIMIA..?? NAMUN JUGA TAK TERBUKTI... SETELAH 10 TAHUN PERANG DISANA...??>> KEMUDIAN MEMBUAT ISSUE BARU .. ARAB SPRINGS YANG MEMPORAK PORANDAKAN.. LYBIA-TUNISIA-MESIR-YAMAN-LEBANON DAN SURIAH...??>> SEMUA DENGAN TEMA2 YANG RELATIF SAMA ATAU SEPERTI PARALEL...?? ... TUJUANNYA MENGHANCURKAN NEGARA2 MUSLIM DI TIMUR TENGAH...??>> INILAH TEKA TEKI... MH370... YANG SANGAT ANEH... ??? MENGAPA MENUJU JALUR YANG SANGAT JAUH DAN BERTENTANGAN SERTA TAK MEMILIKI ALUR DAN ARAH YANG JELAS...??>> ADA APA DENGAN MH370...??? ADAKAH KARGO YANG TERSEMBUNYI DAN RAHASIA DIDALAM MH370...??>>> KALAW BENAR ADA SESUATU YANG MENCURIGAKAN...??? LALU MILIK SIAPA ATAU UNTUK SIAPA...??>> MISTERI SEMOGA BENAR2 SEMAKIN TERUNGKAP...???>> .... Penulis Amerika menambahkan bahwa " pesawat itu berbalik dan terbang ke arah barat dan harus telah berada di bawah semacam kontrol dan " belum ada kode darurat , tidak ada kode pembajakan , tidak seperti itu . " "Ini sangat , sangat aneh , " kata Barrett .....>> ....Flight MH370: Safe at top-secret base?...>>> .... Flight 370 The CIA Hoax: Gordon Duff..>>.......Today we are told that the fate of Flight 370 is known, not yet identified debris has been spotted in what is called “the Southern Indian Ocean,” perhaps more appropriately described as “north of Antarctica.”. ???.>>> ...Flight 370 is a Boeing 777/200, one of the most automated planes in the world. We will be outlining some of the specifics that make this theft or hijacking or alien abduction or whatever the mainstream media chooses to call it not just improbable but government sponsored terrorism....>>> ..... ... This isn’t the first time something like this has happened. When four airliners “disappeared” on 9/11 much of what we are seeing today occurred then, but with far less technology being denied and suppressed. According to Dr’s James Fetzer and Dean Hartwell, planes involved in 9/11 were still flying elsewhere after being listed as having crashed or never took off in the first place. These reports, though backed by verifiable data, were considered wild and suppositional by most but, in light of the Flight 370 debacle, deserve to be reconsidered...>>>....Sources claim the plane landed on Diego Garcia, was refueled, dead passengers “disembarked” and was moved elsewhere? Is this a better explanation than flying to the South Pole hidden from the world through multiple simultaneous failures of safety, communications, counter-hijacking and autopilot systems? What we are certain of is that in light of today’s announcement, a series of seemingly plausible rationales for what we really know to have been utterly impossible are being concocted. This effort is what is now called “reporting..>>.... We know the media has never addressed simple technical issues that a simple “fact check” on Google could have rectified. Did they lie on purpose? Did someone tell them to lie?..>> .... Pentagon Comptroller Dov Zakheim, a Zionist extremist, managed to lose 2.3 trillion dollars from the Pentagon's accounts shortly before 9/11. Zakheim's company SPC invented a "flight termination system" designed to allow operators to seize control of aircraft by remote control and fly them from the ground. Several of the key people who developed Zakheim's "Flight Termination System" were on the 9/11 flights. Were they silenced? Or rewarded with money and a new identity in a National Security Witness Protection Program? Zakheim's "Flight Termination System" appears to have been used on 9/11. Was it also used on Malaysian Airlines Flight 370?..>> ...The CIA base in Australia knows what happened to the Malaysia Airlines passenger plane, says a prominent analyst. “The CIA base in Alice Springs, Australia, knows precisely what happened to that plane,” said Kevin Barrett in a Press TV interview on Monday, pointing to the base’s access to military radar and satellite coverage in the area. He also stated that it would be impossible for radar systems in the region not to have picked up the whereabouts of the missing plane. ..>>> .......... Dengan tidak adanya aliansi sistem pertahanan negara-negara Asia ini memudahkan negara-negara adikuasa melakukan penetrasi dan obok-obok wilayah negara tertentu termasuk dengan dalih pencarian puing-puing pesawat Malaysia MH370. [IT/R/Ass]...>> ...MH370, yang membawa 227 penumpang dan 12 awak kabin, terbang dari Kuala Lumpur menuju Beijing. MH370 menghilang dari radar sekitar satu jam setelah lepas landas dari Bandara Internasional Kuala Lumpur pada 12.41 waktu setempat pada 8 Maret lalu. MH370 dijadwalkan mendarat di Beijing pada 6.30 (waktu Malaysia) di hari yang sama...>>> ...Hilangnya pesawat Malaysia MH370 secara tiba-tiba menurut analis asal Amerika Serikat, Kevin Barret, sangat tidak logis dan menyebut, markas besar CIA di Australia tahu persis yang terjadi pada pesawat komersil Malaysia Airlines itu. "Pangkalan CIA di Alice Springs, Australia, tahu persis apa yang terjadi pada pesawat itu," kata Kevin Barrett dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Press TV pada hari Senin, 31/03/14, menunjuk pada pangkalan radar militer AS termasuk sistem satelit canggih di daerah tersebut. Dia juga menyatakan, tidak mungkin sistem radar di wilayah tersebut tidak mampu menangkap keberadaan pesawat yang hilang . “Dia (pesawat) tidak bisa menghilang begitu saja. Ini sangat tidak masuk akal."..>>> ....Beberapa alasan mengapa Malaysia hanya bisa berdoa dan berharap muncul Edward Snowden lain. 1. Kemampuan dari sistem satelit Hexagon paling jadul dan paling kuno milik Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1970-an sudah memiliki resolusi kemampuan 0,6 meter. Apa lagi, teknologi saat ini yang kian canggih dan terbaru dengan kemampuan untuk mengidentifikasi benda-benda yang jauh lebih kecil dalam ukuran. Mengapa satelit AS tidak mampu meneropong "puing-puing" di Samudra Hindia? Yang setelah ditelusuri malah tumpukan sampah, ubur-ubur dan barangkali juga kecebong? 2. Per 6 April 2012 lalu, AS meluncurkan misi "#NROL-25" (peluncuran satelit mata-mata) dari Vandenberg Air Force Base di California. Satelit #NROL-25 ini mampu merekayasa sistem "synthetic aperture radar" yang mampu mengamati target di seluruh dunia pada siang dan kegelapan malam dan mampu menembus gumpalan awan serta mengidentifikasi struktur bawah tanah seperti bunker militer dengan detil dan sempurna. Bahkan teknologi satelit AS ini oleh beberapa analis diklaim mampu memperbesar (zoom) item sekecil kepalan tinju manusia dari ratusan mil jauhnya. Pertanyannya, bagaimana mungkin citra puing MH370 bisa keliru dan yang nampak adalah tumpukan sampah dan ubur-ubur? Kenapa? 3. Per Desember 2013, AS meluncurkan roket USAtlas V yang membawa satelit mata-mata NROL-39 untuk National Reconnaissance Office, sebuah badan intelijen yang sering dibayangi oleh Badan Keamanan Nasional (NSA). Tugas satelit untuk mengirim data melalui satelit mata-mata di luar angkasa. Dan NROL-39 ini dipresentasikan oleh Octopus dengan istilah serbaguna, adaptif, dan sangat cerdas, bahkan dengan satelit NROL-39 ini, musuh-musuh Amerika Serikat dapat dicapai di mana pun bersembunyi. Oleh karenanya, AS dengan berani menyatakan "Tidak ada yang di luar jangkauan kita". Ini artinya hampir tidak ada hal apapun yang tidak tersentuh oleh teknologi Amerika Serikat dan semua ada dalam genggaman AS. Namun untuk puing MH370, Amerika Serikat ternyata seperti tidak mampu? Mengapa? Karena Malaysia memang harus berdoa dan berharap muncul Edward Snowden lain. ..>>>

CIA Tahu Apa yang Menimpa Mh370

The CIA dasar di Australia tahu apa yang terjadi pada pesawat penumpang Malaysia Airlines , kata seorang analis terkemuka .

" The CIA dasar di Alice Springs , Australia , tahu persis apa yang terjadi pada pesawat itu , " kata Kevin Barrett dalam sebuah wawancara Press TV pada hari Senin , menunjuk ke akses pangkalan radar militer dan cakupan satelit di daerah tersebut .

Dia juga menyatakan bahwa tidak mungkin untuk sistem radar di wilayah tersebut untuk tidak mengangkat keberadaan pesawat yang hilang .

"Ini tidak bisa menghilang begitu saja . Ini tidak masuk akal . "

Barrett mengatakan hanya membutuhkan waktu " satu atau dua detik " untuk memekik kode darurat " sehingga tidak ada cara bahwa pesawat akan mulai mengalami masalah yang akan menyebabkan kecelakaan dan tidak akan memekik kode itu . "

Penulis Amerika menambahkan bahwa " pesawat itu berbalik dan terbang ke arah barat dan harus telah berada di bawah semacam kontrol dan " belum ada kode darurat , tidak ada kode pembajakan , tidak seperti itu . "

"Ini sangat , sangat aneh , " kata Barrett .

Dia juga menepis saran resmi bahwa pesawat itu jatuh selama penerbangan , penalaran bahwa " ponsel penumpang yang berdering keluar hari setelah pesawat itu menghilang , yang berarti bahwa mereka tidak berada di bawah air dan mereka dihidupkan. "

Komentator berspekulasi bahwa hilangnya pesawat itu adalah semacam konspirasi 9/11 .

" Kami memiliki begitu banyak persamaan antara acara ini dan 9/11 ... Jadi banyak orang yang berspekulasi bahwa ada rencana 9/11-style dan mungkin tidak sudah tepat , " katanya .(IRIB Indonesia/MZ)

Flight MH370: Safe at top-secret base?

Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:8PM GMT

By Nasser Namvar

Search and rescue teams from over two dozen countries have been scouring large swaths of sea and land in the hope of finding a trace of the supposedly doomed aircraft, but to no avail.

The fact that the airliner has vanished into thin air continues to flummox everybody, with none of the proposed theories yielding an answer to the baffling disappearance of the jet.

Nevertheless, a recent scenario suggests the missing plane might have veered off course after its last contact with the control tower, making the already perplexing cliffhanger even more convoluted.

“A missing Malaysian airliner appears to have been deliberately steered off course after someone on board shut down its communications,” said Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak.
This brings a hijacking scenario within the realm of possibility. And bear in mind that shutting down an airplane’s communications systems is no mean feat as it requires expert knowledge.
The fact is lost to no one that accounts of UFO sightings as well as science-fictions and documentaries suggesting the existence of super-intelligent beings coming from outer space were the order of the day in the 80’s.
Folks who are old enough to remember movies such as Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) all acknowledge that “alien” stories were all the rage back then. Stargazers as well as the layman were at fever pitch in those days, gazing at the night sky in the hope of detecting a flying saucer or something.

The Bermuda Triangle enigma bamboozled everyone, and the best-seller book The Bermuda Triangle (1974) by Charles Berlitz which, later in 1979, was made into a film with the same name, raised eyebrows over the unexplained disappearances in the waters in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean.
Ships and planes passing through that mysterious area were, according to a theory, taken by “aliens” flying in UFOs, and that’s why the aircraft vanished without a trace.
Now, fast-forward to today, there are suppositions that Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 might have been snatched by “aliens.” The motive? Unclear!
Those who have put forward the “alien” scenario contend that extra-terrestrial beings have so cutting-edge a technology that hijacking an aircraft plus cutting off its communication signals is a piece of cake for them.
Although this scenario seems far-fetched, we can put a more “terrestrial” spin on it to make the theory more plausible.
Let’s assume that the so-called “aliens” didn’t come from outer space, but rather they were earthly “aliens,” people like us, strangers who boarded the plane posing as passengers and hijacked the airliner at an opportune moment.

Some say the hijackers could have been the pilot(s) or crew. Well, it makes little difference. What counts is that some individual or individuals were on board with malice aforethought. Then they took control of the plane and made it steer off course, it is assumed.

The scenario suggests that the airliner could have been forced to fly low, over mountainous terrain where possible, to avoid being picked up by radars, and taken to an unknown location. 

Should the theory prove to be true, the first question coming to mind would concern the motive behind the hijacking. So far, no demand has been made by the presumed hijackers, making the saga all the more complicated. On board could have been a person or persons of interest to the assumed hijackers. Or there could have been some other motive(s).

And how is it that no signal from the jetliner is being picked up on radar? There could be two possible explanations.

First, the earthly “aliens” had expert knowledge of the plane’s navigation and other technical systems, and hence, shut them down to cut off communications. Then they steered the aircraft off course toward their destination. 

The second possible, yet mind-boggling theory is that the airliner could have been taken to a top-secret location heavily protected by state-of-the-art electronic systems which send out beams to create a digital shield, a protective dome which not only traps any outgoing signal, but holds back incoming ones, making the area impenetrable to any digital transmission.

If the plane has landed in such a location, then it can neither send out nor receive any signals.

And there is another point.

Note that the airliner was a Boeing 777-220ER, which is six stories high and 209 ft (64 meters) long, with a wingspan of 200 ft (61 meters).

Such a monster needs a colossal runway to land, which suggests the supposed location must be a massive structure. That would mean the location, which supposedly enjoys overarching digital protection, could be something of a gigantic military base.
If so, then the hijacking was an organized well-coordinated move, with no explicable motive as of yet.

Whatever has become of flight MH370, its disappearance is no doubt one of the most mysterious incidents in aviation history.

Where the plane has gone is anybody’s guess, and whether or not the mystery will ever be unraveled remains to be seen.

Will investigators come up with an answer, or will they be taken into uncharted waters as fresh developments unfold?

Only time will tell, or maybe not!
Mar 31, 2014 1:28 PM
I sincerely appreciate the various points-of-view as I am not that knowledgeable on the varables of this flight. I only know what I am fed by the U.S. major news outlets. There appear to be so many possible scenarios that no conclusion should be reached whatsoever. Premature reporting is a major problem as well.
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Rothschild´s Action
Mar 24, 2014 2:25 AM
The disappearance of four members of a patent semiconductor traveling on Malaysia Airlines MH370 makes the famous billionaire Jacob Rothschild the sole owner of the important patent . Four days after the flight MH370 disappear , semiconductor patent was approved by the U.S. patent office. The patent is divided in parts of 20[[]%] between five starters . One of the owners is the company itself , Freescale Semiconductor, Austin , Texas USA, and the other four Chinese employees of the company: Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Cheng and Li Ying Zhijong , all from the Chinese city of ​​Suzhou,
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Mar 24, 2014 12:14 AM
Still think this has to do with Freescale SemiConductor, the Navy and CIA. The Navy CIA bringing the plane to Deigo Garcia.Because there waving the Muslim flag now! No one is searching Deigo Garcia.The damn Planet has Radar all over the world!It's the 21st century you can't lose a 777 Plane!
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Mar 23, 2014 9:7 PM
colossal runway? look no further than diego Garcia archipelago airforce base for the usa. it caters for the b52 and blackbird bombers. the position would place it within the reach of the airliner. also look at the manifesto and you will find some very high electronic techs on board on their way to let us have a satellite picture.
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Mar 23, 2014 1:24 PM
My personal opinion is the Plane was taken by US Navy CIA/Mossad to Deigo Garcia and this had something to do with FreeScale Semiconductor and the Patent for the Clocking device.This is the 21st century! NASA brags about being able to see the hair on your thumb from outer space! They can track any cellphone in the world and they can't find a 777 plane! Yea RIGHT!
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Disinterested Party
Mar 23, 2014 4:15 AM
Could it be that all concerned, the crew, the passengers, their relatives, etc. are all CIA operatives engaged in acting out a drama designed to not only waste the resources of various nations beguiled into believing that the jet met with untoward circumstances, but also to divert the focus of world attention from the dire actions of a government which evidences a complete loss of reason in its policy and in its actions, both designed to deprive others of their human rights? If it seems incredible that such a thing could happen, it seems no more so than the actions and policy of the alluded to government.
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Mar 22, 2014 5:4 PM
..Plane is possibly laying or flouting by now some were at the BOTTEM of the ocean........In Farsi there is a saying......" When there is more than one cook, the food is either too salty or blend".... In this ACCIDENT there has been a WORLD of cooks!!.......It looks as the VERY experience pilot and co- pilot possibly tried to save it.......NOW they are being blaim for it?.. .....Just hope that FAMILY have a closer for THIS TRAGEDY!.....One needs to wonder, how coincidental that CNN reporter got to interview the same pilot and got in too SAME plan taking pictures left and right???........ & How is it that a passenger (British or American man?)gave his ring to his wife saying he get is back "IF " he comes back??....... According to some reports the doping down of plane under radar COULD have been programmed BEFORE the flight??....... Meaning if some one KNOWS the details about the plane can program it before??....... Did the interview of CNN just few weeks before HELPED this??....
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Mar 22, 2014 11:53 AM
..."the existence of super-intelligent beings coming from outer space"...I have knowledge of some ones like this that have been deceiving and manipulating people since two centuries at least, KhazarZios is one name they can be called.
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Mar 22, 2014 11:3 AM
There were radar reports stating that the plane flew up to 45,000 and then plunged down to around 30,000, it didnt plunge into the sea, but kept on flying and somewhat unevenly. [[]NB how this false data corresponded with the altered path of the MH370 that was not originally on Radar24 trail and was altered subsequently. I also noted that it is not possible for me to obtain the playback video on Radar24 that was previously possible as the records are held for 30 days.]Furthermore it was reported that satellite images did not show any explosion. Oh really? Then what did satellite images show?
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Mar 22, 2014 1:24 AM
"Zaharie’s friends and neighbours have strongly defended his character, dismissing suggestions that the father of three and grandfather of one was a religious or political extremist.Much has been made about the three-screen 777 flight simulator in his home. The Associated Press said Zaharie is certified by Malaysia’s Department of Civil Aviation as a flight simulator examiner, and was very open about his home set-up.He also has a YouTube channel with technology tutorials, including one showing how to tune air conditioning to save electricity. He subscribes to dozens of other channels including the comedian Eddie Izzard, and the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science." ~ source: The National
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Boycott the 5 eyes
Mar 22, 2014 1:18 AM
After the twin tower fell into dust and the make believer in Washington tried to make us believe the fall was caused by two planes... Anything is possible ( any nonsense is what I meant ) Give it a few more months and watch the MSN blame the disappearance on Iran, Russian, Taliban or maybe China. The west is never guilty of wrong doing and the blame game is just about to begin!! I smell trouble in the air...

Malaysian plane disappearance linked to 9/11: Barrett

Malaysia's Department of Civil Aviation's Director General Azharuddin Abdul Rahman briefs reporters on search and recovery efforts within existing and new areas for missing Malaysia Airlines plane, on Monday, March 10, 2014 in Sepang,Malaysia.(file photo)

Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:25PM GMT

By Dr. Kevin Barrett
Transponder signals mysteriously disappear. Jetliners veer off course, then vanish without a trace. Seemingly impossible cell phone calls add to the mystery.

It happened on 9/11. Now it has happened again in Malaysia.
Family members of the passengers on Malaysian Airlines MH370 report getting ring tones when they call their missing loved ones. Social networking sites show the missing passengers "on-line." The airline reports getting ring tones on the crew's cell phones. 
According to the London Daily Mail, "a Malaysia Airlines official, Hugh Dunleavy has confirmed to families that his company had tried to call the cellphones of crew members and they too had also rang out. According to, 19 families of those missing have signed a joint statement confirming that their calls connected to their loved ones but that they rang out."
The implications are astonishing. Again quoting the Daily Mail:
"Telecoms expert Alan Spencer told MailOnline that if the phones are really ringing, they can categorically not be under the sea. He added that the phones will only be ringing if they are ‘switched on, not in water, the battery is charged, and [they are] near a mobile cell site.’ This means that if the phones are genuinely ringing, the plane needs to have landed on land – not in the sea – and be in a location where there is cell service, rather than landing in the middle of a jungle, for example."

Perhaps this was not an ordinary plane crash.

Malaysian authorities report that ground control lost contact with Flight 370 about two hours after takeoff. As with the four planes on 9/11, the transponder was inexplicably turned off and the plane veered wildly off course, yet the crew sent no distress signal –  a procedure that takes only a few seconds. Authorities report that Flight 370 flew hundreds of miles off-course, heading west instead of north, before disappearing.
The missing plane seemingly cannot have crashed in the water; if it had, cell phones would not be ringing out. It must have crashed – or landed – somewhere with cell phone service.
Some analysts believe the plane was stolen. According to them, it was an "inside job" hijacking, probably by remote control.
Radio journalist Michael Rivero wonders if money is the motive: "Is Malaysia Flight 370 in a chop shop? A 777 costs roughly $300 million. Given that scarcity drives up prices, the parts from a 777 would be worth at least $100 million in the aftermarket. There is a motive for the plane to vanish, leave no trace, and have flown so dramatically off course! If my theory is correct, the search of the Malacca straights will find nothing. I would start looking at abandoned/closed airfields in that region with large hangers."

In an exclusive interview with Truth Jihad Radio, one of America's leading physicists, Dr. David Griscom, asks whether MH370 may have been stolen by the same gang of international terrorists behind the 9/11 false flag operation. "The new Airbuses out of France are now fly-by-wire, which scares me, because a number of those planes have disappeared in ways that I think they really didn't crash and disappear; they've been hijacked (by remote control) and somebody is putting them together for another false flag attack someplace. The Malaysian plane, a Boeing 777, is just the latest example (of an apparent remote-hijacking). Before that, there was the Airbus 744 from Brazil to Paris. It crashed under incredibly anomalous circumstances. And after a few days, they showed photos of 'various pieces of it' floating out in the water. Totally staged! One part of it was clearly something that the next wave that hit it would have sunk."

Dr. Griscom points out that the anomalous cell phone calls from Malaysian Flight 370 are reminiscent of those from the allegedly hijacked airliners of September 11th, 2001. In both cases, "impossible" cell phone calls puzzled experts.
The FBI and the media initially reported 15 cell phone calls from hijacked airliners on 9/11. At least one of the recipients, Deena Burnett, was absolutely certain that her husband, a passenger on UA93, had called her from his cell phone, whose number came up on her caller ID. The problem: The Burnett call, and the other alleged cell phone calls, could not possibly have been placed from the airliners, which were flying at high altitudes, too fast and far beyond the range of 2001 cell phone technology.
In his article "Phone calls from the 9/11 planes: How they fooled America," Dr. David Ray Griffin explains that the 9/11 cell phone calls –  starting with the notorious "calls" from Bush Administration cheerleader Barbara Olson to her husband, Bush's Solicitor General Ted Olson –  must have been faked. 

The FBI agrees with Dr. Griffin. After spending five years telling the American people about the "cell phone calls," the FBI radically revised its story in 2006, admitting that 13 of the 15 alleged 9/11 cell phone calls never happened. Amazingly, the FBI even admitted that Ted Olson never received the famous phone calls from his wife, who (Olson claimed) had supposedly called him from hijacked Flight 77. 

Olson should have been immediately arrested for obstruction of justice.
The FBI has recognized other 9/11 cell call anomalies. For example, according to the FBI, one of the alleged calls from Flight 93 lasted for two hours and six minutes after the supposed crash; another lasted 65 minutes after the official crash time.
No wonder the FBI has always taken the official position that "Osama Bin Laden was never wanted in connection with 9/11, because there is no hard evidence Bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11." The FBI knows 9/11 was an inside job. They know – as Elias Davidsson's book Hijacking America's Mind on 9/11 explains – that none of the 19 Arabs blamed for 9/11 was even on board any of the allegedly hijacked planes.

Pentagon Comptroller Dov Zakheim, a Zionist extremist, managed to lose 2.3 trillion dollars from the Pentagon's accounts shortly before 9/11. Zakheim's company SPC invented a "flight termination system" designed to allow operators to seize control of aircraft by remote control and fly them from the ground. Several of the key people who developed Zakheim's "Flight Termination System" were on the 9/11 flights. Were they silenced? Or rewarded with money and a new identity in a National Security Witness Protection Program?
Zakheim's "Flight Termination System" appears to have been used on 9/11.
Was it also used on Malaysian Airlines Flight 370?

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, is one of America's best-known critics of the War on Terror. Dr. Barrett has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin, where he ran for Congress in 2008. He is the co-founder of the Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance, and author of the books Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie (2007) and Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters (2009). His website is More articles by Dr. Barrett

CIA knows what happened to Malaysia plane: Analyst

Tue Apr 1, 2014 1:54PM GMT
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The CIA base in Australia knows what happened to the Malaysia Airlines passenger plane, says a prominent analyst.
“The CIA base in Alice Springs, Australia, knows precisely what happened to that plane,” said Kevin Barrett in a Press TV interview on Monday, pointing to the base’s access to military radar and satellite coverage in the area.
He also stated that it would be impossible for radar systems in the region not to have picked up the whereabouts of the missing plane.

“It cannot have just disappeared. This makes no sense.”
Barrett said it only takes “a second or two” to squawk an emergency code “so there is no way that a plane is going to start having problems that are going to lead to a crash and it is not going to squawk that code.”

The American writer added that "the plane turned and flew in a westerly direction and must have been under some kind of control and “yet there was no emergency code, there was no hijack code, nothing like that.”
“This is very, very strange,” Barrett said.
He also dismissed official suggestions that the plane had crashed during its flight, reasoning that “passengers’ cell phones were ringing out days after the plane disappeared, meaning that they were not under water and they were powered on.”
The commentator speculated that the plane’s disappearance was a sort of a 9/11 conspiracy.
“We have so many parallels between this event and 9/11… So a lot of people are speculating that there was a 9/11-style plan and it may not have gone right,” he said.     
'MH370: 9/11-style false flag gone awry?'
Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:49PM GMT
Interview with Dr. Kevin Barrett
Related Viewpoints:
Press TV has conducted an interview with Dr. Kevin Barrett, author and radio host from Madison, about the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.
What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Well Dr. Barrett, let’s look at it from a technical perspective. Do you think it is possible for no radar system to have picked up this airplane, even as it allegedly went way off course for hundreds of kilometers?

Barrett: No, that is not possible. In fact this aircraft cannot be just lost. It cannot have just disappeared. This makes no sense. 

There is military radar and satellite coverage of that area. The CIA base in Alice Springs Australia knows precisely what happened to that plane. And it is interesting the Malaysian government has asked them and they are not getting any response.
Yes there may not be any new information in the sense of we got something today that is going to tell us what happened to the plane but what we do know is that this story that it just disappeared and presumably crashed is impossible.

It takes only a second or two to squawk an emergency code. If it is a hijacking there is a hijack code - it is I think three digits - it is just tap, tap, tap and it is done. So there is no way that a plane is going to start having problems that are going to lead to a crash and it is not going to squawk that code. 

The plane tuned and flew in a westerly direction and must have been under some kind of control and yet there was no emergency code, there was no hijack code, nothing like that. This is very, very strange. 

The Malaysian government was searching for the wreckage of the plane in a place where it already knew it could not be and did not tell us for a couple of days. This makes no sense. There are so many of these anomalies. Passengers’ cellphones were ringing out days after the plane disappeared, meaning that they were not under water and they were powered on.

Again there is something very odd happened to that plane. We do not know precisely what it was but we can guess and the single most important clue to what may have happened to this plane in my opinion is the fact that the two alleged Iranian passengers who were supposedly traveling with stolen passports were Photoshopped. The security pictures we see of these Iranians supposedly boarding this plane were Photoshopped. Their legs are exactly identical. There is no question about that. The London Daily Mail  reported it and nobody has even tried to debunk it.
Why are they giving us Photoshopped pictures of Iranian passengers? Obviously there was some kind of a setup to try to blame this on Iran. Precisely what that is we do not know but the Israelis have been using their assets including the head of ... security who is a 9/11 suspect lives in New Jersey. I forget the gentleman’s name. He and other Israelis have been putting out as much media propaganda as they can trying to blame this on Iran saying that it is a waste of time to look anywhere other than for this is being an Iranian hijacking.
Well Christopher Bollyn just found that there is an identical clone to this plane. It has been sitting in a hanger in Tel Aviv, Israel for the past couple of months and there was a show game play with his aircraft, it was in Southern France, they moved it down to Israel and speculation is that there was some sort of false flag plan at foot, perhaps another [plane] into buildings deception like 9/11. 
We have so many parallels between this event and 9/11 which planes just disappearing, transponders going off for no reason, no hijack codes, no emergency codes being squawked, and cell phones anomalies. So a lot of people are speculating that there was a 9/11-style plan and it may not have gone right.     
Press TV: Well what about that Dr. Barrett? I mean some of our viewers are saying this is like another false flag. And at 9/11 of course we were dealing with this subject. Let me say especially here at Press TV we take it very seriously and trying to deal with it, the sensitivity of this subject especially for the families of those who were on that plane. It is a very difficult time for them, we understand that. 

However looking at this situation, how likely is this some type of setup and if so what could it be? What could be the goal of this situation like this?
Barrett: Well you are right. It has been very hard on the families and they have been protesting because they know they are being lied to, just like the 9/11 families. We would not have a 9/11 commission unless the family members hadn’t been protesting and basically camping out on the White House lawn for months and months and over a year until finally they were able to get that commission which turned out to be whitewash and likewise the Malaysian family members are putting pressure on the Malaysian government and they are not getting anywhere. They know that there is some huge deception going on here.

Planes cannot just disappear like that. There are all sorts of reasons to believe that something strange has happened with this plane. I suggested one scenario earlier which is the possibility that this plane was going to be, well, either blown up and this would be blamed on Iranian guys who were Photoshopped into being patsies boarding the plane or maybe it was going to be taken somewhere and then flown into a building somewhere in a 9/11-style false flag event and it is possible that all the publicity in which the mainstream media at this time has actually been asking questions about what happened to this plane unlike 9/11 when nobody was asking any questions because they were still in shock.
So that is one angle, the possibility that this was going to be used in some kind of false flag like 9/11 and there are plenty of indications pointing at that but there is also another angle which is that there were 20 employees of a Semiconductor firm on board, Free-scale Semiconductors who this company had just patented the most advanced computer chip available and with many, many military applications, a very, very important piece of an electro property they were heading for Beijing and it is possible that somebody did not want them to get there. 

These were Chinese nationals working for an Houston, Texas based firm and there have been some unconfirmed reports - at least I can tell if there are confirmed - that say that I believe four of these passengers were Patent holders for this chip and the fifth Patent holder is the company and the company actually turns out to be owned by Jacob Rothschild to shell entities. 

So they are pointing out that possibly this Patent may now belong to Jacob Rothschild and that this would be a motivation for taking over this plane and there are indications the plane may have flown towards Diego Garcia which is a rendition site. The fishermen spotted this plane and accurately described its colors without even knowing what color the Airline was. So we have eyewitness reports that the plane was heading for Diego Garcia which is a black military rendition site run by the British and the Americans.    
Press TV: Dr. Barrett, looking at this, Mr. Peterson [the other guest of the program] talked about the lack of technology or technology advance but we know even there are internet sites that actually you can follow planes and the flights that planes are taking real time for any novice who can just get on a site.  

Again going back to this, why do you think that we are not hearing basically all of a sudden the Malaysian government said they have changed the path of the aircraft two weeks into this? Why now? What exactly do you think is going on? Is there a cover-up that the Malaysian government and others may be involved in?

Barrett: Well there is obviously a cover-up. It is simply unthinkable that this plane would simply turn, fly off in the wrong direction, be spotted over the Maldives Islands heading for Diego Garcia and just disappear. And all of these other indications, these cell phones ringing out and so on, suggest the same thing. 

It is something very strange happened to this plane. That is really the only explanation for the fact that the government of Malaysia lied to the world and to the families of these victims for so long. 

They essentially gave the wrong story and searched in the wrong place when they knew that this plane was not in the place where they were looking. Why was that?  

You know I appreciate the other guest perspective in terms of saying that we should not be leaping to conclusions and say that we know for sure what we think happens based on our preconceptions, based on past experience.

I do think that you do have to apply context though and we do know that false flag events are extremely common. Turkey just got caught planning to attack its own country. It fired missiles from Syria into Turkey. It happens all the time. Israel has a long history of false flags. 


Flight 370 The CIA Hoax: Gordon Duff
The file photo shows the search operation for the missing Malaysian plane
The file photo shows the search operation for the missing Malaysian plane
Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:20AM
By Gordon Duff
Today we are told that the fate of Flight 370 is known, not yet identified debris has been spotted in what is called “the Southern Indian Ocean,” perhaps more appropriately described as “north of Antarctica.”

We also know that the 777/200 is a “fly by wire” aircraft with controls in place that allow the CIA to remotely pilot the plane “in case of emergency.”  We were able to verify the design and implementation of this system through Boeing, Raytheon and commercial pilots.


The descriptions today in the New York Times and other publications are purposefully inaccurate and contradictory.  Their explanations of how commercial aircraft communicate and are tracked are fanciful at best, at worst “criminal.”


When Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 was reported as having crashed in the South China Sea, a massive cover up began yet no one will speak of it, nothing is written of it and its broad consequences are a subject of no investigation.
While people around the world were told the plane was “lost” or “crashed,” it was being monitored by NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) and its regional defense partners through secret systems installed in the plane. 

In 2006, Boeing announced the following, from a John Croft article in Flight Global:

Boeing last week received a US patent for a system that, once activated, removes all controls from pilots to automatically return a commercial airliner to a predetermined landing location.
The "uninterruptible" autopilot would be activated - either by pilots, by onboard sensors or even remotely via radio or satellite links by government agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency, if terrorists attempt to gain control of a flight deck.

Boeing says: "We are constantly studying ways we can enhance the safety, security and efficiency of the world's airline fleet."
Similarly, Raytheon Corporation was awarded a contract by the Federal Aviation Administration 8 years ago to implement an “Advanced Route Evaluation System” (ARES) to work in concert with the system operated by the Central Intelligence Agency.
In addition, the technical staff at Rolls Royce, a fact also reported in the Wall Street Journal, continually monitored the plane’s flight.

Hundreds of people knew exactly where the plane was, how every system was working, what had been “turned off” not only when but where and exactly where the plane is now.  Every word told the press, has been a lie.
Every word told by the mainstream media has been a lie.


Now everyone knows that the plane continued flying for hours.  This is where the cover up becomes problematic; you see everything about the plane was known, position, conditions of the engines, oxygen levels in the cockpit and passenger compartment, this and much more.

Even if the plane couldn’t be remotely piloted, its systems under “uninterruptable” control, a term coined by Boeing itself, the 777/200’s supposed “Flying Dutchman” journey to the South Pole is more than implausible.

The CIA along with Joint military commands set up during the Global War on Terror, tracked Flight 370, monitoring it continually, monitoring the murder of its passengers, monitoring its landing, monitoring its refueling and know exactly where it is.

If the plane really went down “off Antarctica,” they then monitored and “allowed” that.


In Britain, technicians for Rolls Royce monitored the plane as well, reporting its position to the British government every minute it was in the air.  Those technicians have been silent, the British government has never been asked, and no one has been asked.

As the largest “Where’s Waldo” hunt in history goes on, now pulling in data from weather satellites and fleets of anti-submarine warfare planes unleashed upon the Indian Ocean, the entire thing is an “act,” a would-be comical farce.

Flight 370 is a Boeing 777/200, one of the most automated planes in the world.  We will be outlining some of the specifics that make this theft or hijacking or alien abduction or whatever the mainstream media chooses to call it not just improbable but government sponsored terrorism.


This isn’t the first time something like this has happened.  When four airliners “disappeared” on 9/11 much of what we are seeing today occurred then, but with far less technology being denied and suppressed.

According to Dr’s James Fetzer and Dean Hartwell, planes involved in 9/11 were still flying elsewhere after being listed as having crashed or never took off in the first place.  These reports, though backed by verifiable data, were considered wild and suppositional by most but, in light of the Flight 370 debacle, deserve to be reconsidered.

Yes, planes can fly for hours after having crashed and, “yes,” authorities will lie about, not just the location of planes but show a frightening indifference when it comes to the now obviously pre-planned “disappearance” of passengers.


There are a number of devices on commercial aircraft embedded in such a way as to prevent disabling while in flight.  You will never hear about where they are, what frequencies they broadcast on or how they work.
They are there.  There are highly classified and they were on Flight 370, being continually monitored by military and security forces tasked specifically with preventing commercial aircraft from being used as weapons.

We all remember the testimony at the 9/11 Commission hearings.  Condoleezza Rice, General Myers, Rumsfeld and Cheney, none of them had ever heard of the possibility of planes used as weapons no matter how many memos they had sent or received contradicting their testimony.

Similarly, days, even weeks later, one of the great “disappearing tricks” of all time,  and the American military not only monitored every mile travelled but knew exactly when and where the passengers were killed.  Part of the admitted “redirection” of Flight 370 included 45 minutes at 45,000 feet.

There is a procedure taking exactly that long at that altitude for depressurizing the cabin, using up existing oxygen supplies and killing passengers. 

We received this from a Boeing 777 pilot with a major airline.  From an article in New Eastern Outlook (Russia):

“Just a quick update with what I know about the Malaysia 777 disappearance.  The Boeing 777 is the airplane that I fly.  It is a great, safe airplane to fly.  It has, for the most part, triple redundancy in most of its systems, so if one complete system breaks (not just parts of a system), there are usually 2 more to carry the load.  It’s also designed to be easy to employ so 3rd world pilots can successfully fly it.  Sometimes, even that doesn’t work…

There’s many ways to fly the 777 and there are safety layers and redundancies built into the airplane now to Malaysia.  There are so many communication systems on the airplane:  3 VHF radios, 2 SatCom systems,  2 HF radio systems, plus Transponders and active, ‘real time’ monitoring through CPDLC (Controller to Pilot Data Link Clearance) and ADS B(Air Data Service) through the SatCom systems and ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) thru the VHF, HF and SatCom systems.  The air traffic controllers can tell where we are, speed, altitude, etc. as well as what our computers and flight guidance system has set into our control panels.  Big Brother for sure!  However, most of these things can be turned off.

But, there are a few systems that can’t be turned off and one is the engine monitoring systems.  The Malaysia airplane, like our 777-200’s, uses Rolls Royce Trent Engines (as a piece of trivia….Rolls Royce names their motors after rivers….because they always keep on running!)  Rolls Royce leases these motors to us and they monitor them all the time they are running. In fact, a few years back, one of our 777’s developed a slow oil leak due and partial equipment failure.  It wasn’t bad enough to set off the airplane’s alerting system, but RR was looking at it on their computers.  They are in England, they contact our dispatch in (REDACTED), Dispatch sends a message to the crew via SatCom in the North Pacific, telling them that RR wants them to closely monitor oil pressure and temp on the left engine.

The crew did all of that and landed uneventfully, but after landing and during the taxi in, the left engine shut itself down using it’s redundant, computerized operating system that has a logic tree that will not allow it to be shut down if the airplane is in the air…only on the ground.  Pretty good tech.   Anyway, the point was that RR monitors those engines 100% of the time they are operating.  And don’t EVER get in an Airbus!!”


What do we know for sure?  We know the plane was tracked continually.  We know classified systems were on board that could reroute and land the plane no matter what any hijacker could have done.

We know the passengers could be killed easily using control systems that should not be available to crew or hijackers but, for some reason, are a major “hole” in the security of an aircraft that has multiple redundancy systems for other “mishaps.”

We know the media has never addressed simple technical issues that a simple “fact check” on Google could have rectified.  Did they lie on purpose? 

Did someone tell them to lie?

Sources claim the plane landed on Diego Garcia, was refueled, dead passengers “disembarked” and was moved elsewhere?
Is this a better explanation than flying to the South Pole hidden from the world through multiple simultaneous failures of safety, communications, counter-hijacking and autopilot systems?

What we are certain of is that in light of today’s announcement, a series of seemingly plausible rationales for what we really know to have been utterly impossible are being concocted.

This effort is what is now called “reporting

Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, a combat infantryman, and Senior Editor at Veterans Today. His career has included extensive experience in international banking along with such diverse areas as consulting on counter insurgency, defense technologies or acting as diplomatic representative for UN humanitarian and economic development efforts. Gordon Duff has traveled to over 80 nations. His articles are published around the world and translated into a number of languages. He is regularly on TV and radio, a popular and sometimes controversial guest. More Press TV articles by Gordon Duff

Benarkah Jatuhnya Pesawat MH370 

Disengaja Oleh Sang Pilot?

Rabu, 26 Maret 2014 14:00

Foto: Copyright

Penyelidikan masih terus dilakukan tentang misteri dan penyebab pasti jatuhnya pesawat MH370 di Samudera Hindia. Meskipun sudah mulai ditemukan titik terang tentang area jatuhnya pesawat, tetapi penyebab pasti jatuhnya pesawat ini masih terus diselidiki. Dilansir dari, pilot pesawat MH370 Zaharie Ahmad Shah sedang dalam keadaan tidak stabil sebelum menerbangkan pesawat tersebut. Apakah benar bahwa jatuhnya pesawat MH370 disengaja oleh pilot pesawat itu sendiri?

Seperti yang dikemukakan oleh rekan sejawatnya, Kapten Zaharie Ahmad Shah sedang menghadapi masalah keluarga yang serius. Masalah keluarga yang dihadapinya adalah perceraian dengan sang istri dan hubungannya dengan wanita lain. Ada dugaan bahwa sang pilot sengaja menerbangkan pesawat MH370 ini ke suatu tempat dan melakukan usaha bunuh diri dengan sekaligus menewaskan semua penumpang dan awak pesawat.

Foto: Copyright 
Foto: Copyright
Meskipun polisi tak menemukan sesuatu yang mencurigakan pada diri Kapten Zahari yang sudah memiliki 18.365 jam terbang, rekan sesama pilot meragukan kondisi kestabilan mental sang kapten. Ia menduga bahwa Kapten Zaharie menjadikan penerbangan dengan pesawat MH370 ini sebagai "last joyride", yaitu melakukan penerbangan yang biasanya hanya bisa dilakukan dengan sebuah simulator.

Radar militer menunjukkan bahwa pesawat MH370 langsung turun tajam setelah terbang dengan normal dan lalu terbang dengan ketinggian 13.716 meter yang kemudian terbang rendah hingga 12.000 sebelum akhirnya menghilang. Dan, yang dianggap paling bisa dan mampu untuk melakukan hal tersebut adalah orang yang sudah sangat ahli dan berpengalaman, dalam hal ini adalah sang pilot sendiri, Kapten Zaharie.

Ladies, terlepas dari semua dugaan dan hipotesis yang ada, semoga segala teka-teki misteri jatuhnya pesawat MH370 ini bisa dipecahkan secepatnya.



"Ayahku Tidak Bunuh Diri" Putra Bungsu Pilot Pesawat MH370 Akhirnya Buka Suara

Jum'at, 28 Maret 2014 12:20

Foto: copyright

Setelah berhari-hari menunggu kepastian, para keluarga korban pesawat MH370 beberapa waktu lalu akhirnya mendapat kepastian dari perdana mentri Malaysia. Perdana Mentri Najib Razak menyatakan bahwa pesawat itu jatuh ke laut dan tak ada seorang pun dari penumpang yang selamat menyusul ditemukannya ratusan objek di perairan Samudra Hindia.

Namun, bagi banyak orang, hilangnya pesawat itu masih misterius. Apakah benar pesawat itu benar-benar berakhir di Samudra Hindia dan mengapa bisa sampai ke sana masih menjadi pertanyaan besar. Salah satu spekulasi yang sering terdengar adalah kemungkinan sang pilot bunuh diri.

Pilot pesawat Malaysian Airlines Zaharie Ahmad Shah diduga menjadi penyebab dari kejadian yang menimpa pesawat itu. Namun, putra bungsunya, Ahmad Seth Zaharie menolak semua spekulasi itu. Menurutnya tak mungkin ayahnya melakukan perbuatan yang mencelakakan banyak orang seperti yang dispekulasikan terhadapnya.

Dilansir, salah seorang dari keluarga pilot pesawat MH370 akhirnya buka suara. Putra bungsunya, Ahmad Seth akhirnya memberikan pendapatnya atas dugaan yang ditujukan pada ayahnya. Dia mengatakan, meskipun ayahnya jarang memiliki waktu untuk dihabiskan bersamanya, namun dia paham betul sifat ayahnya. Dan menurut Ahmad, tidak mungkin ayahnya melakukan tindakan bunuh diri dan mencelakakan banyak orang di dalam pesawat.

"Saya sudah membaca semuanya via media online. Tetapi, saya mengabaikan semua spekulasi tersebut." ungkap pria berusia 26 tahun itu.

Ahmad Seth bersama saudara dan ibunya. 
Ahmad Seth bersama saudara dan ibunya.
Keluarga pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah selama ini tidak menutup mulut mereka terhadap para wartawan. Saudara kandung Ahmad Seth, Aishah dan Ahmad Idris, serta sang ibu Khanum Mustafa yang kini tinggal di Melbourne tidak pernah muncul di hadapan media sejak pesawat menghilang. Menurut Ahmad Seth mereka masih menunggu kepastian dan bukti fisik atas hilangnya pesawat ini. Sementara proses pencarian beberapa kali dihentikan karena cuaca buruk.

Tentu berat bagi Ahmad Seth dan keluarga korban lain untuk kehilangan anggota keluarga mereka dengan cara yang tragis. Terlebih jika sang ayah dituduh menjadi penyebab dari semua ini. Semoga semua misteri terkait pesawat ini segera menjadi jelas.

Tragedi Pesawat MH370
Malaysia, Berharaplah akan Muncul Edward Snowden Lain!
Islam Times-
"Pangkalan CIA di Alice Springs, Australia, tahu persis apa yang terjadi pada pesawat itu," kata Kevin Barrett dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Press TV pada hari Senin, 31/03/14, menunjuk pada pangkalan radar militer AS termasuk sistem satelit canggih di daerah tersebut.
Malaysia Airlines, diantara banyak opsi (RT)
Malaysia Airlines, diantara banyak opsi (RT)

Hilangnya pesawat Malaysia MH370 secara tiba-tiba menurut analis asal Amerika Serikat, Kevin Barret, sangat tidak logis dan menyebut, markas besar CIA di Australia tahu persis yang terjadi pada pesawat komersil Malaysia Airlines itu.

"Pangkalan CIA di Alice Springs, Australia, tahu persis apa yang terjadi pada pesawat itu," kata Kevin Barrett dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Press TV pada hari Senin, 31/03/14, menunjuk pada pangkalan radar militer AS termasuk sistem satelit canggih di daerah tersebut.

Dia juga menyatakan, tidak mungkin sistem radar di wilayah tersebut tidak mampu menangkap keberadaan pesawat yang hilang .

“Dia (pesawat) tidak bisa menghilang begitu saja. Ini sangat tidak masuk akal."

Menurut Barrett, hanya membutuhkan waktu "satu atau dua detik" saja untuk membuka kode darurat, sehingga tidak mungkin pesawat itu mengalami masalah yang menyebabkan kecelakaan, sementara kode itu tidak terbuka.

Analis asal Amerika itu menambahkan, "Pesawat itu berbalik arah terbang ke arah barat dan berada di bawah semacam kendali kontrol, dan tidak ada kode darurat, tidak ada kode pembajakan dan tidak seperti itu", tandasnya lagi.

"Ini sangat, sangat aneh," lanjut Barrett.

Baret juga menepis informasi resmi saat ini bahwa pesawat itu jatuh selama penerbangan, dan menyebut, penalaran menjujukkan beberapa ponsel penumpang berdering pada hari setelah pesawat itu menghilang, yang itu berarti ponsel tidak berada di dalam air dan ponsel dalam konsisi dihidupkan.

Dikatakannya, hilangnya pesawat itu ada semacam kemiripan dengan konspirasi 9/11.

"Kami memiliki begitu banyak persamaan antara peristiwa ini dengan peristiwa 9/11 ... Jadi banyak orang yang berspekulasi adanya rencana sistematis sesuai dengan 9/11- dan mungkin itu sudah tepat," katanya.

Catatan khusus Islam Times:

Beberapa alasan mengapa Malaysia hanya bisa berdoa dan berharap muncul Edward Snowden lain.

1. Kemampuan dari sistem satelit Hexagon paling jadul dan paling kuno milik Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1970-an sudah memiliki resolusi kemampuan 0,6 meter. Apa lagi, teknologi saat ini yang kian canggih dan terbaru dengan kemampuan untuk mengidentifikasi benda-benda yang jauh lebih kecil dalam ukuran. Mengapa satelit AS tidak mampu meneropong "puing-puing" di Samudra Hindia? Yang setelah ditelusuri malah tumpukan sampah, ubur-ubur dan barangkali juga kecebong?

2. Per 6 April 2012 lalu, AS meluncurkan misi "#NROL-25" (peluncuran satelit mata-mata) dari Vandenberg Air Force Base di California. Satelit #NROL-25 ini mampu merekayasa sistem "synthetic aperture radar" yang mampu mengamati target di seluruh dunia pada siang dan kegelapan malam dan mampu menembus gumpalan awan serta mengidentifikasi struktur bawah tanah seperti bunker militer dengan detil dan sempurna. Bahkan teknologi satelit AS ini oleh beberapa analis diklaim mampu memperbesar (zoom) item sekecil kepalan tinju manusia dari ratusan mil jauhnya.

Pertanyannya, bagaimana mungkin citra puing MH370 bisa keliru dan yang nampak adalah tumpukan sampah dan ubur-ubur? Kenapa?

3. Per Desember 2013, AS meluncurkan roket USAtlas V yang membawa satelit mata-mata NROL-39 untuk National Reconnaissance Office, sebuah badan intelijen yang sering dibayangi oleh Badan Keamanan Nasional (NSA). Tugas satelit untuk mengirim data melalui satelit mata-mata di luar angkasa.

Dan NROL-39 ini dipresentasikan oleh Octopus dengan istilah serbaguna, adaptif, dan sangat cerdas, bahkan dengan satelit NROL-39 ini, musuh-musuh Amerika Serikat dapat dicapai di mana pun bersembunyi. Oleh karenanya, AS dengan berani menyatakan "Tidak ada yang di luar jangkauan kita".

Ini artinya hampir tidak ada hal apapun yang tidak tersentuh oleh teknologi Amerika Serikat dan semua ada dalam genggaman AS. Namun untuk puing MH370, Amerika Serikat ternyata seperti tidak mampu? Mengapa? Karena Malaysia memang harus berdoa dan berharap muncul Edward Snowden lain.

Sebagian masalah yang dihadapi negara-negara Asia adalah negara-negara ini tidak memiliki struktur pertahanan regional seperti NATO, meskipun beberapa negara memiliki aliansi resmi dengan Amerika Serikat seperti Anggota Persemakmuran Malaysia, Singapura, Selandia Baru dan Australia termasuk dengan Inggris namun dalam masalah pertahanan seperti ini mereka lebih memilih bungkam dan diam.

Dengan tidak adanya aliansi sistem pertahanan negara-negara Asia ini memudahkan negara-negara adikuasa melakukan penetrasi dan obok-obok wilayah negara  tertentu termasuk  dengan dalih pencarian puing-puing pesawat Malaysia MH370. [IT/R/Ass]
Kecelakaan Malaysia Airlines:
Analis: Kecelakaan Pesawat MH370, Konspirasi CIA
Islam Times-
Namun menurut Duff, apa yang bisa dipastikan dalam penjelasan pengumuman itu adalah sebuah rangkaian alasan-alasan yang tampaknya masuk akal untuk mengubah opini masyarakat bahwa hal itu benar-benar tidak mungkin sebuah karangan.
Malaysia airlines.jpg
Malaysia airlines.jpg

Seorang analis asal Amerika meragukan keaslian laporan mengenai jatuhnya pesawat penumpang Malaysia MH370 di Samudera Hindia dan menyebut kecelakaan itu adalah hasil konspirasi CIA.

Dalam sebuah artikel berjudul, "Flight 370 The CIA Hoax" di situs Press TV pada Selasa (25/03/14), Gordon Duff menulis bahwa pesawat MH370 yang dioperasikan oleh Malaysia Airlines , dilengkapi dengan alat kontrol yang memungkinkan CIA memantau dan meremot dari jarak ketika pesawat nahas itu dalam keadaan darurat.

Sebelumnya, dalam konferensi pers di Kuala Lumpur, Senin pagi (24/3/14), Perdana Menteri Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mengutip informasi satelit baru yang menunjukkan pesawat nahas itu terbang ke lokasi terpencil, jauh dari tempat yang memungkinkan pendaratan."

Sementara itu, Malaysia Airlines juga mengirimkan pesan teks ke kerabat penumpang Flight MH370 bahwa pesawat itu jatuh di Samudera Hindia tanpa ada yang selamat.

Namun menurut Duff, apa yang bisa dipastikan dalam penjelasan pengumuman itu adalah sebuah rangkaian alasan-alasan yang tampaknya masuk akal untuk mengubah opini masyarakat bahwa hal itu benar-benar tidak mungkin sebuah karangan.

Cina juga menuntut Malaysia untuk memberikan bukti data akurat yang menunjukkan pesawat penumpang Malaysia hilang jatuh di Selatan Samudra Hindia.

"Kita tahu media tidak pernah membahas masalah teknis sederhana dimana fakta dengan mudah dapat dicek di Google yang bisa dimanipulasi. Apakah mereka berbohong dengan kesengajaan? Apakah seseorang memberitahu untuk berbohong?" tulis Duff.

Pesawat MH370 dengan 239 penumpang dan awaknya hilang dari layar radar pada tanggal 8 Maret, kurang dari satu jam setelah lepas landas dari Kuala Lumpur menuju Beijing.

Setidaknya 150 warga Cina berada di dalam pesawat yang hilang itu.[IT/r]

MH370 Ditemukan, 

Direktur Eksekutif Malaysia Airlines Menangis

Senin, 24 Maret 2014, 23:39 WIB

  Diagram area pencarian pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 di Samudra Hindia bagian selatan, yang dirilis oleh Otoritas Keselamatan Maritim Australia (AMSA) di Canberra, Kamis (20/3). (Reuters/Sean Davey)
Diagram area pencarian pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 di Samudra Hindia bagian selatan, yang dirilis oleh Otoritas Keselamatan Maritim Australia (AMSA) di Canberra, Kamis (20/3). (Reuters/Sean Davey)


Direktur Eksekutif Malaysia Airlines Ahmad Jauhari Yahya menangis saat mendengar pengumuman ditemukannya posisi akhir pesawat MH370 di selatan Samudera India.

Kantor Berita Malaysia Bernama melansir, saat Perdana Menteri Malaysia Nabij Razak mengumumkan kabar itu, Senin (23/3), air mata juga bercucuran dari para reporter yang mengikuti perkembangan pencarian pesawat MH370 yang telah berlangsung 17 hari hingga hari ini.

MH370, yang membawa 227 penumpang dan 12 awak kabin, terbang dari Kuala Lumpur menuju Beijing. MH370 menghilang dari radar sekitar satu jam setelah lepas landas dari Bandara Internasional Kuala Lumpur pada 12.41 waktu setempat pada 8 Maret lalu. MH370 dijadwalkan mendarat di Beijing pada 6.30 (waktu Malaysia) di hari yang sama.

Pencarian lalu dibagi menjadi dua koridor, utara dan selatan. Koridor utara dimulai dari perbatasan Kazakhstan dan Turkmenistan hingga wilayah utara Thailan. Sementara koridor selatan meliputi area Indonesia hingga wilayah selatan Samudera India.

Tim SAR yang terlibat mengatakan operasi pencarian MH370 merupakan yang terbesar dalam sejarah dengan melibatkan 27 negara.

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